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dynamic earth interactive intro

The different colours are the result of different chemical compositions. As well as theses everyday uses, many crystals have unusual properties that can be altered to be useful for high-tech applications. The Earth’s continents are constantly moving due to the … Bill Birch, Museums Victoria, describes the formation of minerals at Broken Hill and explains why they are so diverse. The plates slide across the more fluid part of the upper mantle (the asthenosphere). The Argyle Diamond Mine, in the East Kimberley region of Western Australia, is one of the world's largest diamond producers. By studying rocks and minerals we can better understand the events that shaped and continue to shape the Earth. About 20 of these were new to science when they were discovered. Gold is inert so it remains in soil and streambeds, where it can be found – Eureka! In some volcanically active regions, hot metal-rich springs bubble up from the ocean floor. Go to the following website to complete an online interactive to learn about plate tectonics: ... Read the introduction and then click on then click on the link to “start your exploration”! The rocks that first formed the Earth’s surface have been destroyed by erosion and plate tectonics. Modern society depends on rock and mineral resources. Watch this interactive to learn more about the 25 events that changed the earth into what we know today. Fine seeds were placed on a stone with a depression in it and a top stone was used to grind the seeds producing a flour. There are fourteen different types (or species) of garnets. Other factors that colour minerals are small chemical impurities or defects in their crystal structure. Water and gas are also released by minerals as they break down during metamorphism. In the early part of the 20th century, geologists studied the vibrations (seismic waves) generated by earthquakes to learn more about the structure of the earth's interior. Igneous rocks consist of solidified magma derived from the melting of other rocks. The resulting change affecting large volumes of rocks is called regional metamorphism. Print out the first page of your results. Beautiful combinations of malachite (copper carbonate), cerussite (lead carbonate) and pyromorphite (lead phosphate) have been found at Browns Prospect in the Northern Territory, Australia. Delve into the earth's interior, learn about its tectonic plates and their movements, and discover how mountains, volcanoes, and earthquakes are formed. The impacted rocks may melt and splash over a wide area, or form an impact breccia (suevite) within the crater. Limestone, which is mainly calcite derived from the shells of marine animals, is changed by metamorphism into coarse-grained marble. Wegener's hypothesis that Earth continents were joined as a single landmass; Pangaea. Under the crust is the mantle, a semi-solid layer 2830 km thick. They enrich us in art, and we wear them as personal adornments. a. Very sharp blades, known as Kimberley points, were chipped from stone. Museums Victoria staff collected some of these specimens from the site. They are essential for the construction of our cities and for power, transport and communications. Ancient history is recorded on tablets of clay and illustrated with mineral pigments. Later, metals became the basis of wealth and the foundation of empires. Convergent Boundary The boundary that occurs where two plates are pushing toward each other. These ‘juices’ may mix and carry chemical ingredients through the rocks, forming a range of interesting minerals. Here, groundwater infiltrated a sulfide ore body providing the copper and lead, while the adjacent limestone provided the carbon and phosphorus. Our planet might seem fixed and rigid, but a closer look reveals that it is constantly shifting under our feet. Dynamic Earth The story of our planet Gold nuggets, giant crystals and uncut diamonds star in Dynamic Earth, a stunning exhibition that uses cutting-edge technology and thousands of minerals to tell the story of our ever-changing planet. Because meteorites are best preserved in dry environments where weathering is slower, most of Victoria’s meteorites have been found in the central and north-western parts of the state. As conditions change — for example, when the hot water cools — metal-bearing minerals crystallise and form hydrothermal ores. Significant contributions to the gemstone collection have been made recently by Peter Hoppen, Murray Thompson, Ron Perrin and Grant Hamid. Make sure you READ OUT LOUD so your partner is exactly where you are. Start your exploration with Earth's Structure. A rock formed by metamorphism will usually look very different from the original. Rocks surrounding a mass of magma can become so hot they are ‘cooked’ and new minerals form. Some volcanic rocks contain crystals of minerals that are gemstones. Delve into the earth's interior, learn about its tectonic plates and their movements, and discover how mountains, The outermost layer of the Earth is the _____. Thousands of rock fragments enter Earth’s atmosphere every year from space, but most burn up before impact. Our organisation, in partnership with the First Peoples of Victoria, is working to place First Peoples living cultures and histories at the core of our practice. Dynamic Earth Interactive Directions: Google search “ Dynamic Earth”. Recrystallisation of the ore led to many complex changes in the minerals. Broken Hill in New South Wales is home to a large deposit of metal sulfide ore. Gold is highly valued because of its rarity, its attractiveness and its properties. New discoveries mean there are many more minerals used as gemstones now than in the past. A very large meteorite striking the Earth blasts itself to pieces and excavates a crater. Flashcards. Granite is composed mainly of quartz and minerals from the feldspar, mica and amphibole groups. It is about 20 to 40 miles (35 to 70 km) thick and very old. The amount of silica (silicon dioxide) in magma determines how easily it moves. They are grouped according to composition into stony, stony iron and iron meteorites; about 95% of all meteorites are stony. The woomera was primarily used for throwing spears. Janet Hergt, University of Melbourne, describes the structure of the Earth from crust to core. Gemstones have been prized for thousands of years for their colour, clarity, rarity, shape and durability. Wrong answers are GOOD. Unlike other texts on the subject, Dynamic Earth provides enhanced coverage of the global tectonic system in a process-based systems approach. Any imagery that does not reflect COVID-safe best practice has been taken pre-coronavirus restrictions. PLAY. Australites formed by the South East Asia impact rained down like hailstones across Australia. Over time the layers compact, and the grains are cemented together to form sedimentary rocks. It provides comprehensive coverage of the two major energy systems of Earth: the plate tectonic … They are among the most common minerals in metamorphic rocks, and provide clues to the conditions of metamorphism. Match. Answer the 30 question assessment at the end of the online interactive. The main ore-body contains sulfide minerals rich in lead, zinc and silver, but there are about 300 more minerals formed by hydrothermal action and weathering. Australia is the world’s largest exporter of raw and processed coal for steel-making, and it is one of the world’s two largest exporters of iron ore. This destruction provides the raw materials that form sedimentary rocks.When the movement slows, the fragments settle out into a layer of sediment. Dynamic Earth is an activity-based introductory course. Grant Hamid, Hamid Brothers, describes the diversity of gems and the features that make them special. Layers of new sediment form on the sea floor, in lakes and on flood plains, or form dunes. Explain your answer. Dynamic Earth Interactive Question Sheet - Google Docs Download File PDF Interactive Dynamic Earth Answer Interactives . Find out more. Minerals are naturally occurring chemical compounds that have been formed by geological processes. Earth’s rotation and the gravitational pull of the Moon created tides in these oceans. For example, pyrite has one iron atom for every two sulfur atoms; its chemical formula is FeS2. The deposit was discovered in 1979 and mining commenced in 1983. Most rocks are mixtures of different minerals. Click on Start your exploration with Earth’s structure. 2. The wealth generated from the mining of this ore-body has contributed significantly to Australia’s economy. Read through all pages and complete all activities. Wrong answers are GOOD.

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