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restoring agricultural land

Field investigations in dry areas show that crop production may be increased by as much as 300% while the increase in average years is often 30 to 50%. In a study conducted by Bationo and Ntare, (2000) in Niger found out that legume–millet rotation with 30 kg Nha maintained a high level in soil organic carbon pool and sustained crop yields. Saline soils contain large concentrations of soluble salts, usually the chlorides (Cl-) and sulfates (SO42-) of sodium (Na+), calcium (Ca2+), potassium (K+), and magnesium (Mg2+) salts. Under protection, the lambing percentage is greater by about 30% (FAO, 1978). Other essential steps Dr. Strassburg listed: Stopping the use of fossil fuels; reducing food, energy and plastic waste; and making sustainable choices when buying things like food, cars and clothes. Moreno-Mateos, D., Pedrocchi, C., Comín, F.A. Soil salinity describes the soluble salt content of soil. Soil nutrient depletion is avoided by the crop rotation that balances the nutrient demand of various crops. It was not enough simply to lay one result on top of the other. Plant residues are placed in lines along the contour for construction of trash-lines. Because shallow groundwater contributes to soil salinity drainage and resultant lowering of the water table can assist in saline soil prevention and remediation. Soil loss as much as 50% has been reported to be reduced by contour farming on gentle. “This lays out the much higher benefits overall if you ignore the country boundaries and just look at where these priorities are,” said Dr. Chazdon. Grass barrier strips of Napier or other fodder grasses are planted along the contour. (2014) African Forest Forum, Working Paper Series 2(11): 55. Site-level Strategies for Restoring Forest Functions on Agricultural Land book. Bravo, O., Silenzi, J.C. The worst affected agricultural land (85 – 90 %) is in highland areas in the Southwest, Kabale and Kisoro, and those severely affected (75 – 80%) include Mbale, Rakai and Kotido cattle-grazing districts (Bolwig, 2002). In subsequent paragraphs, we discuss some of the physical techniques for restoration of degraded agricultural land: Cut-off drains are made across a slope for intercepting the surface runoff and carrying it safely to an outlet such as a canal or stream. Strip cropping refers to the practice of growing crops in alternate strips of row crops or forage/grass. It however import important to note that that some of the techniques involved are expensive and rarely applied by local farmers and peasants such techniques include: improved irrigation layout, revegetation, runoff interception earthworks, and water table lowering. It also ensures timely seedbed preparation, planting and weeds control. Saline sites should only be grazed when plants are established and the ground is dry. Agricultural land is unstable if the degrading influences are still active, as the condition of the land will continue to decline. The practice of growing a series of dissimilar types of crops in the same space in sequential seasons is crop rotation for benefits such as such as avoiding pathogen and pest buildup that occurs when one species is continuously cropped. Returning a strategic 30 percent of the world’s farmlands to nature. 16. Tillage practices should be adopted by keeping in mind that; soil is neither too fine nor powdery; and it breaks up the hardpan if necessary. The stability of the conservation agriculture system is increased by cover crops and erosion impacts are reducing by the improvement of soil properties and this biodiversity in the agro-ecosystem are promoted for their capacity. The state of the world’s land and water resources for food and agriculture. (2002) reported that a combination of crop residues and fertilizer restored the degraded agricultural land thus led to the highest millet grain and straw yields production. Only rarely are nitrates present in appreciable quantities (Abrol, Yadav, & Massoud, 1988). A growing number of campaigns seek to address the world’s environmental emergency by conserving or restoring vast swaths of the planet. Protect and retain existing vegetation to ensure a source of seed for regeneration. The process-factor- cause nexus is strongly impacted by site-specific conditions. Photo about Land, used temporarily for mining, has been restored to agricultural use. They are alternate to cut-off drains when there is no channel to discharge the water nearby. The replenishment of nitrogen with the use of green manure and legumes in sequence with cereals and other crops is a traditional component of crop rotation. 22. In this article, we review approaches to enhance agricultural land. “Once consumers start changing their patterns,” he said, “companies react really quickly.”, Restoring Farmland Could Drastically Slow Extinctions, Fight Climate Change. Agroforestry can augment biodiversity and ecosystem services in agricultural landscapes, while also providing income for rural livelihoods. Management of biodiversity, that is, the biota dwelling in agroecosystems as well as habitats and species outside of farming systems in the landscape, can be used to benefit agricultural production and enhance ecosystem services. Agroforestry can augment biodiversity and ecosystem services in agricultural landscapes, while also providing income for rural livelihoods. Landscape leaders throughout the world can apply this method to assess the true potential of restoring their lands for people and the planet. “The world is invested in destruction.”. The use of cover crops is an ancient practice and dates back to the ancient civilizations in Greece, Rome, China, and others (Lamb et al., 2005). Keep soil covered is fundamental principle in restoration of degraded agricultural land. Revegetation works through tree, shrub or grass planting will accelerate the restoration process and enable the reintroduction of species that may be lost from the site. The demand for healthy and environmental friendly food and subsidies to producers of organic food and fiber has favored this process. The most severely affected areas include highlands, mountains areas under agriculture. It Might Get Worse Before It Gets Better. “Do we say, ‘We’re just going to forego all those benefits and be provincial about this?’” she asked. Recognizing contemporary roles of swidden agriculture in transforming landscapes of Southeast Asia. (2002) Agricult Water Manag 53(1–3): 213–226. The use of cover crops is an ancient practice and dates back to the ancient civilizations in Greece, Rome, China, and others (Lamb et al., 2005). The solutions are not small or easy, but they exist, scientists say. However, restoration of ecosystem services is not the same thing (Bullock et al., 2011). Rey Benayas, J. In addition, positive effects of organic farming on species richness might be expected in intensively managed agricultural landscapes, but not in small-scale landscapes comprising many other biotopes as well as agricultural fields. Stock will often preferentially graze or camp on saline areas. Bravo and Silenzi, (2002) recommend a strip width of about 30 m while on steeper slopes the width must be less than 20 m. Soil conditions are often changed by the inappropriate land use practices which ultimately result in soil erosion. The crops with fast growth cover the soil quickly and give higher yields. Surveyed diversion banks up-slope of a saline discharge area may be used to prevent clean runoff water flowing over the site and adding to the problem or transporting salt off site. Farmyard manure, green manure and composts are the main sources of organic fertilizers. There is no substitute of inorganic fertilizers therefore integrated use of organic and inorganic fertilizers should be adopted. Tilling your land for planting a large vegetable garden or crops can seem like a daunting task, but it doesn't need to be. Abstract Human land uses, such as agriculture, can leave long‐lasting legacies as ecosystems recover. Trees decrease the magnitude of splash erosion by reducing the raindrops impacts on the soil. The species used are mostly Eucalyptus, Casuarina sp., populus and prosopis. Land plowed, fertilized, and irrigated obviously is useful land, with purpose and value. Agricultural land is unstable if the degrading influences are still active, as the condition of the land will continue to decline. To feed a growing population and protect forests from deforestation for fresh farmland, restoring abandoned cropland and pastureland is key. Examples of agrobiodiversity functioning at different hierarchical levels include the following: a) Genetic and population characteristics for example, the use of traditional varieties and wild species for continuing crop and livestock improvement for increased pest resistance, yield, and quality (Tisdell, 2003). Soil structure and fertility by alternating shallow-rooted and deep-rooted plants can also be improved by crop rotation. Restoration of saline agricultural land is possible through recharge stabilization and reconstruction pf saline land. g) Strip Cropping: Strip cropping refers to the practice of growing crops in alternate strips of row crops or forage/grass. Their main function, at present, is to protect valuable agricultural land and irrigation canals from creeping sands. It is needed, for example, when abandoned land suffers continuing degradation, local vegetation cover cannot be recovered and secondary succession has to be accelerated. 5. A study carried out in West Africa by Yamoah et al. The extent and nature of the reconstruction works will depend on what you are trying to achieve for the site. Restoration of Ecosystem Services on Agricultural Land. (2000) J Agricult Sci 134(3): 277–284. Benayas et al. And eroded land can be restored. The crops with fast growth cover the soil quickly and give higher yields. However, restoration by land separation would provide these triple benefits only at the landscape scale as this restoration type is at the expense of field-level agricultural production. “It’s really impressive,” said J. Leighton Reid, a specialist in ecological restoration at Virginia Tech who was not involved in the study. This practice creates a favorable habitat for microorganisms by regulating the soil heat and temperature. Planting of trees or shrubs or protecting the naturally sustaining trees is called agroforestry. Soil structure and fertility by alternating shallow-rooted and deep-rooted plants can also be improved by crop rotation. Four involve extensive actions on agricultural land with a focus on productivity that is, making agriculture more wildlife friendly: a) Adoption of biodiversity-based agricultural practices: Conservation of existing biodiversity in agricultural landscapes and the adoption of biodiversity-based practices have been proposed as ways of improving the sustainability of agricultural production through greater reliance on ecological goods and services, and with less damaging effects on environmental quality and biodiversity (Jackson et al., 2007). (2003) Ecological Economics 45(3): 365–376. Accelerated degradation is shrinking the finite soil resource even more rapidly in these regions of harsh climate and fragile soils. “If you really want to optimize for all three things at the same time,” Dr. Strassburg said, “that leads to a different map.”. Traditional farming methods are extremely diverse, by their nature, but they often share a number of distinguishing characteristics in comparison to intensive systems: on-farm cycling of nutrients and resources, the development of local varieties and breeds, high spatial and temporal structural diversity, use of local pollination and pest control services, and effective exploitation of local environmental heterogeneity (Altieri, 2004). Cover crops are “close-growing crops that provide soil protection, seeding protection, and soil improvement between periods of normal crop production or between trees in orchards and vines in vineyards” (Saxton & Rawls, 2006). Saline sites should only be grazed when plants are established and the ground is dry. They also play important role in nutrient recycling in the deep soil; leguminous trees fix nitrogen that benefits food crops (Bashir et al., 2017). d) Cultivation: Cross ripping or cultivation of bare ground can improve salt leaching and trap wind-blown seed. Strassburg, one of the study’s authors and an environmental scientist with Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro and the International Institute for Sustainability. d) Agro-forestry: Planting of trees or shrubs or protecting the naturally sustaining trees is called agroforestry. Saturday, A. This is an Open access article distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. c) Mulching and the use of crop residues: Spreading on the bare soil surface or placement of plant materials such as dry grass, straw, dry leaves, banana leaves, sugar cane trash, and other crop residues around the stem of the plants is helpful in controlling soil erosion and moisture conservation (Bashir et al., 2017). The various for restoration of saline soils are discussed in the subsequent sections. In a study conducted by Bationo and Ntare, (2000) in Niger found out that legume–millet rotation with 30 kg Nha maintained a high level in soil organic carbon pool and sustained crop yields. Our analysis found that in Sidhi alone more than 300,000 hectares of land, or 75% of the territory, could benefit from more trees. The role of soil information in land degradation and desertification mapping: A review. Causes of soil degradation include specific activities which aggravate the adverse effects of processes and factors. 29. Tisdell, C. Socioeconomic causes of loss of animal genetic diversity: analysis and assessment. About OSC Seeds. b) Applying organic manures and mineral fertilizers: Application of manure and fertilizers provide essential in restoration of agricultural land. Restoration of degraded agricultural land is achieved through several agronomic and biological techniques. The most strategic places are distributed very unevenly; tropical forests and wetlands, for example, hold outsized potential for carbon storage and biodiversity protection. Scientists said that restoring a portion of agricultural land to a wild state would not only help reduce extinctions but aid in the fight against global warming. Farmyard manure, green manure and composts are the main sources of organic fertilizers. Millions of men and women depend on agricultural land for their livelihoods. The state of the world’s land and water resources for food and agriculture: managing systems at risk. salts. The most effective are sugar cane, fodder grasses, sweet potatoes and tea. Agricultural land; Soil erosion; Restoration. In reconstructing a natural environment or ecosystem you should find out what the land, vegetation and habitat characteristics were like before degradation. These are also referred to as green manure crops. Grande, J.D., Karthikeyan, K.G., Miller, P.S., et al. Agroforestry represents an intermediate step between natural secondary forests reclamation of severely degraded land in terms of high versus low provision of biodiversity and ecosystem services, state of degradation, and time and costs of forest restoration. Factors comprise agents of degradation related to natural or anthropogenic drivers such as climate, physiography, socio-economic or cultural parameters. The intervention encompasses highly specific actions intended to benefit wildlife and ecosystem services such as pollination. The increase in the amount of pasture and crop land over the last few hundred years has led to the rapid loss of natural habitats. Optimum soil management aims to provide favorable conditions for plant growth through improved soil nutrient availability and aggregation. Traditional management approaches are being implemented, for example, through the European agri-environment schemes. Zucca, C., Biancalani, R., Kapur, S., et al. d) Crop rotation: The practice of growing a series of dissimilar types of crops in the same space in sequential seasons is crop rotation for benefits such as such as avoiding pathogen and pest buildup that occurs when one species is continuously cropped. 24. These actions include the following (Noordijk et al., 2010). b)  Planting isolated trees to take advantage of their disproportionate positive value for biodiversity conservation and potential for seed dispersal. (2005) Forest Restoration in Landscapes 356–360. Wind erosion is the dominant force but water erosion can also cause significant degradation. However, stopping the active degradation will not necessarily restore a degraded land to its former condition. Site-level Strategies for Restoring Forest Functions on Agricultural Land . The principal types of drainage systems are horizontal relief drains, such as open ditches, buried tiles or perforated pipes, or vertical pumped drainage wells. Agricultural legacy, climate, and soil influence the restoration and carbon potential of woody regrowth in Australia. Beyond scientific and technical research, an increase in such restoration projects is needed if we want to halt environmental degradation. These figures do not include ALR boundaries on Sea Island. By ameliorating the microclimate, shelterbelts commonly improve fruit production by a third or more, and in windy years, the fruit value may be increased by over 75%. The stability of the conservation agriculture system is increased by cover crops and erosion impacts are reducing by the improvement of soil properties and this biodiversity in the agro-ecosystem are promoted for their capacity. (1988) Food & Agriculture Org United Nation, Rome. Soil protection from erosion by leaving crop residues on soil surface after harvesting is also helpful approach. The amount of land in the ALR has remained relatively stable in the last 30 years. c) Revegetation: Revegetation works through tree, shrub or grass planting will accelerate the restoration process and enable the reintroduction of species that may be lost from the site. Once you know where to target your efforts, the degraded land should be stabilized by implementing action to remove the degrading influences. e) Restoring or creating specific elements to benefit wildlife and particular services without competition for agricultural land use: This is another method of restoring agriculture land. The intervention encompasses highly specific actions intended to benefit wildlife and ecosystem services such as pollination. These are used to protect both irrigated and rainfed farms. (2018) J Environ Health Sci 4(2): 44- 51. Most restoration projects will aim to achieve one of the following objectives: b) Reconstruct natural environment and ecosystem. Lamb, D., Erskine, P.D., Parrotta, J.A. Tyler Sanderson warns … Even as pressure grows to boost agricultural production, another 12 million ha are lost each year due to poor soil and water management and other unsustainable farming practices (Zucca et al., 2014). Environmental reconstruction: Following stabilization and the removal of the degrading influences, works can be undertaken to restore the land to the desired condition. Noordijk, J., Musters, C.J.M., van Dijk, J., et al. Restored soil fertility, reduction of diseases and pests, addition of humus and control of erosion is ensured by crop rotation. Yamoah, C.F., Bationo, A., Shapiro, B., et al. (2010) Biology and Fertility of Soils 46(5): 481–489. The multi-species cover crops between commercial crops are also another technique. This cropping system is an effective practice to reducing soil erosion because it breaks sloping landscapes in wide segments with diverse vegetative cover which intercepts runoff and promotes water infiltration, thereby reducing runoff and soil erosion. “Or are there ways to cooperate internationally?”. Their main purpose is the protection of cultivated land from uncontrolled runoff, and to divert water from gully heads. Manure and fertilizers provide essential plant nutrients in the soil for better crop growth. Setting aside farmland to restore or create non-farm habitat rarely happens as farmers tend to use and expand into all available land because this is usually the most profitable choice in terms of direct use value. 27. © 2018 Saturday, A. 4. Strip cropping is often integrated with rotations where strips are planted to different crops each year. Submissions & Correspondence. This practice reduces soil erosion and helps the agricultural land to regenerates since it significantly checks on degradation agents of agricultural land particularly soil erosion. Restoration measures can include the following: a) Fencing: Stock will often preferentially graze or camp on saline areas. There are some examples of habitat restoration at the expense of farmland, including both terrestrial and wetland ecosystems (Moreno-Mateos et al., 2010). Proxy global assessment of land degradation. 8. Secondary succession can be aided by simply eliminating grazing in certain areas after agreement with local users and land managers. This approach does not necessarily imply high-yield farming of the non-restored, remaining agricultural land. The self-reinforcing soil degradation process (Figure 1) is strongly exacerbated by the interaction between processes, factors and causes of soil degradation (Figure 1). b)  Active restoration, for example, through addition of desired plant species. The water table will be lowest near the ditch due to the conveyance of water downgradient, and groundwater will be drawn down over an area of influence dependent on soil hydraulic properties. Farm land for sale - Sutton, Woodbridge IP12. Keep soil covered is fundamental principle in restoration of degraded agricultural land. Abrol, I.P., Yadav, J.S.P., Massoud, F.I. Gabriel, D., Sait, S.M., Hodgson, J.A., et al. Agricultural land is being deteriorated due to different anthropogenic and natural factors. Stabilization is the minimum level of restoration that should be undertaken in any degrading landscape to prevent the situation from becoming worse. Restoring and protecting land requires involving many different stakeholders to co-design solutions that are socially, economically and environmentally sustainable. To restore degraded land the cause of the degradation must be identified and addressed. (2008) Soil Use Manag 24(3): 223–234. The total amount of area within the ALR and area zoned Agriculture outside of the ALR is approximately 5,563 ha (13,746 ac). If the natural subsurface drainage and aquifer transmissivity is insufficient to limit mounded groundwater conditions, the installation of an artificial drainage system may be necessary to reduce the groundwater table to an adequate depth. For example, fencing off and planting trees in a dieback will not ultimately restore the health of the vegetation if the tree death is resulting from salinity or a lack of flooding. The key? Site stabilization: Once you know where to target your efforts, the degraded land should be stabilized by implementing action to remove the degrading influences. In subsequent paragraphs, we discuss some of the physical techniques for restoration of degraded agricultural land: Cut-off drains: Cut-off drains are made across a slope for intercepting the surface runoff and carrying it safely to an outlet such as a canal or stream. They also minimize the wind erosion by acting as wind breaks. The authors estimate that at the global level, 55 percent of farmland could be returned to nature while maintaining current levels of food production by using existing agricultural land more effectively and sustainably. Following stabilization and the removal of the degrading influences, works can be undertaken to restore the land to the desired condition. Biological measures such as buffers, conditioner application in direct contact with the soil surface, crop residues using manure protect the soil from erosion. Tillage practices should be adopted by keeping in mind that; soil is neither too fine nor powdery; and it breaks up the hardpan if necessary. Forms of traditional farming persist in many parts of the world, particularly in developing countries, but also in more developed countries, where such methods are remnants or have been re-introduced to meet specific needs. It could be done, the researchers found, while preserving an abundant food supply for people and while also staying within the time scale to keep global temperatures from rising past 2 degrees Celsius, the upper target of the Paris Agreement. Essential plant nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and sometimes Sulphur required by plants are provided by inorganic fertilizers. UN FAO, Rome, 50. Bullock, J.M., Aronson, J., Newton, A.C., et al. Restoration of eroded agricultural land is achieved through several agronomic and biological techniques. Simply adding chemical fertilizers or improved varieties, as is often erroneously recommended even by well-intended advocates, is not enough. There are differences in ecosystem services provided by passive versus active restoration, and there is much debate about the ecological benefits of tree plantations. d) Surface water drainage/interception works. In the subsequent sections 4.1 and 4.2, we discuss the possible restoration techniques for eroded and saline agricultural land respectively, for purposes of improved on agriculture production. Restored soil fertility, reduction of diseases and pests, addition of humus and control of erosion is ensured by crop rotation. Two major contrasting approaches for terrestrial ecosystem restoration in agricultural landscapes are; a)  Passive restoration through secondary succession following abandonment of agricultural land, for example, cropland and pastures where extensive livestock farming has been removed. It is a wash to take someone else's land and pay them to give you the goods from it, so you end up with good land and they get junk and cash. By Sandeep Sengupta, Stewart Maginnis, William Jackson. Going native isn’t going to be pretty. Agricultural land is being deteriorated … Altieri, M.A. The Farmland Restoration Program (FLRP), made possible by Public Act 11-1, is a voluntary program with a main objective of increasing food and fiber production in Connecticut through restoring lands into active agricultural production. The main objective of contour ridges is water harvesting.

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