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madeline hunter 7 step lesson plan

0000002166 00000 n Anticipatory Set -- Getting students to focus their attention on the material to be presented -- getting … 0000007805 00000 n Rebecca Holt ; Cathy Ritzes ; Kathleen Wiles; 2 Madeline Hunters Background. A Madeline Hunter teaching plan says that there are seven things that a teacher should think about before teaching a lesson and they are – Anticipatory Set, Objective, Instructional Input, Modelling, Checking for understanding, Guide Practice and Independent Practice. Keep track of what is working and what you will need to adapt However, this still can be divided into more specific aspects. Madeline Hunter 7 Step Lesson Plan Template. Step 2: Anticipatory Set -- Getting students to focus their attention on the material to be xref “7‐Step Lesson Plan,” Direct Explicit Instruction, Gradual Release of Responsibility and other similar organizers and plans. 0000008032 00000 n 7-Step Lesson Plan Design (Developed by Dr. Madeleine Hunter, UCLA) Teacher: Subject: Grade Level: Time Duration: Objective: Overview: Lesson Design 1) Anticipatory Set (focus) - A short activity or prompt that focuses the students' attention before the actual lesson begins. Title: Madelyn Hunter 1 Madelyn Hunter. where … 6 19 At its heart, lesson design is a researched based approach to increase the likelihood of learning and retention. This FREE folder includes a two-page weekly lesson plan template, unit calendar template, to-do list, and unit header template.The Lesson plan template is based on Madeline Hunter's 7 step model and is EASY to customize to your own needs. Closure: Most lessons end with closure which basically wraps up the lesson. A well-planned lesson or unit is much less likely to flop! All rights reserved. In this video, I review a sample Madeline Hunter Lesson plan. Used when students enter the room or in a transition. 1. The traditional steps of the Hunter Lesson Plan Model were designed for the explicit purpose of having students get it right the first time through. However, a superior plan might take all of those ideas to the subsequent stage through planning for "what if": what is going to i do if i am getting a flat tire, if i run out of gasoline, if a person gets ill, or if i lose my pockets? he instructional practices es- poused by Madeline Hunter have gained such wide accept- ance over the past 20 years that one begins to believe they may escape the "this too shall pass" syndrome that has plagued so many educational innova- tions. These seven steps to lesson planning are often associated with the direct instruction method as well as the behaviorist school of educational practice. Lesson Plan Model -- Madeline Hunter's Seven Step Lesson Plan I. It is highlighting all the 7 steps of the renowned lesson plan. Special madeline hunter's seven step lesson plan model Eei Lesson Plan Template. Step 4: Input and Modeling -- Presenting new information to students, modeling. The basic lesson plan outline given above contains the so-called "Hunter direct instruction lesson plan elements:" 1) objectives, 2) standards, 3) anticipatory set, 4) teaching [input, modeling, and check for understanding], 5) guided practice, 6) closure, and 7) independent practice. While districts, school boards, administrators and principals may have differing opinions of the importance of Lesson Plans, the vast majority of teachers are required to use them to varying 0000000911 00000 n 0000004066 00000 n Notice the similarities between Gagn é ‘s events of instruction and this plan. Tell students what they will … 0000000016 00000 n Follow the 7-step model by indicating each step in the process on pages 1-7. The Hunter Model or Drill That Skill. <<4ff0ac3ca3de7b4d9a18dd1f6ef3cc2e>]>> Assignment. 3 Teaching: Input ... the board showing how to add 7 4 + 6 5, commenting on each step. 0000001038 00000 n Madeline Hunter’s Lesson Plan Format The research conducted by Dr. Madeline Hunter showed that effective teachers use a methodology when they are planning and presenting a lesson. What the Seven-Step Lesson Plan Isn't! Objective Focus/Anticipatory Set Relevancy Explanation/Teaching Strategies & Modeling Teaching: Check for Understanding Questioning Strategies Guided Practice Independent Practice Closure.

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