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positive things to say to your child

Your words are meaningful. Good things come to people who work for it. It is the opinion of experts that positive words to a child take on more meaning when they have the following characteristics: Positivity will make your child feel good about themselves and the world around them. You may think you’re being positive when you say “Thank goodness you like homework and I don’t have to hound you the way I do your brother!” but you’re setting up a situation where the child is only good enough if his brother doesn’t do homework. 1. It’s good to be curious. 1. Saying the child’s name first, as this gets their attention! I'm grateful for you. Hence, you as a parent must go ahead and try to say only good stuff to your children. … Here are 100 things every kid needs to hear to develop a positive self-image: I love you You make me so happy just by being you. Check out our list of 55 positive things to say to your child on a daily basis. Thank you! Were you a shy kid growing up? We better have to be careful on what we say or do. I figure if I can add these into each day, then I’m doing pretty darn well. I accept the good that is flowing into my life. “Nick won’t play with me, and Ace pushed me, and Levi said I’m a baby, and my leg hurts!” Choose at least one of these positive phrases to say to your child in a heartfelt, meaningful, and loving way to strengthen the connection you share. Our sons and daughters need encouragement along their journey to growing and becoming who they are meant to be. Copyright Elayna Fernández ~ The Positive MOM 2005-Current | All Rights Reserved. Whilst life … You make me proud. We are sharing this helpful list of 66 positive things that you can say to your child. How to Make Your Child Feel Loved: 75 Positive Words for Kids Also, you can click here for a FREE PRINTABLE, so you can keep it handy! Give your best effort in everything you do. Share with us in the comment area below. In a world where saying "no" is usually a lot easier than saying "yes," it is important to bring up children who don't feel that negativity has a higher value than positivity. The more you practice saying these positive words to your child or your teen , the more they can feel loved, accepted, empowered, supported, and confident enough to face any challenge that comes their way. It’s not just ugly, harmful, negative work that can hurt our children – you’ve heard it before: it’s not what you say, but how you say it. Always ask yourself “Are my words building them up or tearing them down?”. Whether you want to tell them how great they were at their soccer game, or how much you love spending time with them, here are 66 positive and encouraging things to say to your child … I am thankful for life. I'm saving this for real and also printing some them. I love seeing the world your way. 50. Since this is usually the first thing that you will say to your child, it really sets the whole tone for the rest of the day. Speaking at the right volume and not speaking “over” the child. They need and crave our affirmation and we do well when we give it to them. So, I’m taking a step back and switching things up (well, trying to) with these 10 positive things to say to your child. Cute DIY Minnie Mouse Ears Printable Craft! Your kids can carry these words with them throughout their lives. Robin Sharma once said “Words can inspire and words can destroy. It was a little thing but it went a long way. A list for parents who want their children to know their love and God’s love. I … 4. Problems can be solved with the right effort. How to say no to your child in a positive way: 10 things you can say instead. Pay attention when someone else is talking. But let’s just say that for every complaint, for every negative thing we point out in our child as a mistake or a flaw or something they do wrong and must be corrected, there should be at least 17 positive statements to counteract the negative effect. Remind your children, at least once a day, with honest praise. Here is the thing – when parents use negative word, very few actually want to intentionally inflict pain. Although extremely painful, this experience turned out to be very enriching for me because it helped me learn the power of words at a very young age. You can learn from everything, good or bad. Words have power and though we don’t have control about what others say or don’t say to our children, we can show more love, compassion, and support to our babies, whether they’re 17 months or 17 years old. Bond while you build their confidence. What do you think the world would be like if each parent and child used positive affirmation? There are many ways to encourage a child, but for students of any age, honest, authentic, and persistent messages from adults that have credibility in their eyes are among the most powerful. All content on this site (written, visual, audio, video) is the sole intellectual property of Elayna Fernandez ~ The Positive MOM. 29. Praising your child whenever they do something “good” isn’t the answer either, because there’s a right time and a right way of praising, too. I hope you enjoy and find it helpful! You’re really good at this! Choose yours well.” I think most of us really try to do this, but it’s hard work… and it’s also very tricky. Sign me up! This shift can be confusing for little ones as schedules and stability are very important for them. 31. 3. It has been said that it takes at least 5 positive reinforcements to undo a negative expression. flattery onto their child, something that is both counterproductive and potentially damaging. What you did was awesome. There is never a reason to compare. 21 Positive Affirmation to Tell Your Child My mom always told me “good job”. 50 Things You Can Say to Make Your Child Feel Great. Be sure to accompany it with lots of cuddles and kisses. There’s something to learn in everything. Positive Things to Say to Your Child Enjoy discovering new things. My hard work is already paying off. You won’t find phrases like “well behaved” or adjectives like cute, handsome, or intelligent in this list. For every one negative thing, you point out in your child – any correction you give them – you need to back it up with ten positive statements. I love the way you tell stories. ... 48. I choose to be happy. Believe in yourself, even when no one else does. Today, I forgive myself. Your words are meaningful. This is lovely, Slum Vision   |   Dysfunction   |    My Dad Issues |  Abduction   |  In A Coma   |  Abandonment    | Epic Battle |  Knocked Down    |   Broken     |   Betrayed   | Knocked Up   |  Birth Story. Praise with purpose. I’m proud of you. 30. BLUE’S SING-ALONG SPECTACULAR Giveaway. You have great ideas. Everything that I did, I did without pressure because I knew my mom would be happy with the effort. Positive Affirmations work wonders while upbringing a happy, truthful, self-reliant and a successful child. By viewing, you agree to our. Today I’m sharing a list of 100+ positive adjectives to describe a child with a free printable poster of positive adjectives. Thumbs up for this long list of positive words that we can say to our child. Words can build kids up, and they can just as easily tear them down. Written By penny. During your children’s childhood, it is an important time in life. What words qualify as positive when directed towards a child? Appreciate your child’s ability to think about solutions. 66 Positive Things To Say To A Child. 2. / Positive Things To Say To Your Child. Not just in words, but in action and touch as well. If your children are putting effort into something, make sure you applaud their endeavors by complimenting them. By Janel Breitenstein. First, lead by example, and use them yourself! You are a good friend to yourself and others. As parents, the way we speak to our children is incredibly important. Teaching Kids Positive Affirmations. My oldest daughter was bullied at school when she was 8 years old and it really took a toll on her self-esteem at that time. positive things to say to you… I also have a list of positive words from A Z that you can use to customize your child’s list. Supermom doesn’t exist, but even if we all succeeded at the 17:1 ratio and spoke nothing but positive words to our children and teenagers, remember that there are other people in their lives who may be saying (or not saying) words to hurt them – even if they don’t mean to. I am a child of God. This Powerful Daily Ritual Will Make You A Better Mom ★ Elayna Fernandez ~ The Positive MOM ♥, […] Needs are very individual and look differently for everyone, but there is one need we all share: the need to be loved. There are many opportunities during the day to say positive words to your child. You don’t have to say 101 things daily – it will be overwhelming to you and your child or teen! Obviously, words that are encouraging, supportive, and heartfelt are part of the equation, as are statements that instill a sense of determination, individualism, and self-esteem. All trademarks and service marks are the property of their respective owners. The best way to start off any day is to tell your child "good morning" in a very high and happy tone! by TeachThought Staff. In the same way, my daughter’s piano teacher said some amazing words to her and gave her a handwritten card to encourage her, which made a positive difference in a difficult moment. You make me proud. You have great ideas. I am grateful for you. October 19, 2020 // by Julia Schaefer. Parenting a Child with Extreme Behavior Here are a few ways I turn the potential negative into a positive: When my child asks for the 10th time if I going to be the one that picks him up from school: instead of flipping on him and reminding him that I’ve told him 9 times that, yes, I would be there, say: “You really like to know what it happening throughout the day. We want to help our community find and shine their inner light - the truth of love, light, and positivity that is within us all! I love you so much. It is also important to keep in mind that what a parent doesn’t say is almost as important as what they do say. 33. There are many positive things that you can say to your children daily to make sure they are on the … Whether you want to tell them how great they were at their soccer game, or how much you love spending time with them, here are 66 positive and encouraging things to say to your child on a daily basis. Did you have trouble making or keeping friends, and when you went to a new school or ... Our passion is to serve and bring the best possible positive information, news, expertise and opinions to this page. Focus on your child’s positive qualities and habits which will help them to do better in life. Posted March 20, 2020. 2. Words that are perceived as domineering, mindless, or authoritarian only serve to distance the child. I love being your parent. 5. When used right, encouraging words can have a positive and powerful effect on our children, tweens, and teens. This will help shape and mold your child to become confident, self-empowered and worthy! Yeah, 17:1 is a lot… but remember that progress is success; any progress. Your words are meaningful. I love you. © 2009-2021 Power of Positivity. The more positive interactions you have with your kids, the happier and well rounded they will be. You may share, quote, and link back with proper attribution. I love being your … Yes, I would like to receive emails from The Positive MOM. 50 Things You Can Say To Encourage A Child. The Positive MOM may be a proud affiliate of trusted, tried providers mentioned on this site, and may be compensated for your purchase(s).

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