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what chapter do aelin and rowan sleep together

“She took me to the stables yesterday because her dog just had pups.” His eyes glaze over with the happy memory and Rowan feels his smirk fade. Even as the most powerful pure-blooded Fae male in Doranelle, most had only spared him a passing glance. It’s a wonderful bonding activity, and Rowan has some of his best memories from cadre nights. Even if she knows that her boyfriend would want her to wake him up, Aelin knows that Rowan’s last few days have been sleep-deprived. He nods to various disgruntled dignitaries and groggy royalty as they mumble over their morning porridge. Rowan thought the oath they had all sworn was pretty much redundant now, he knew Aedion only had the best intentions mixed with a rogue streak of overprotectiveness, but Rowan had no intention of hurting Aelin. “I misjudged her,” he insists. 402 likes. He’s the third potential entertainer for the wedding reception, and there is a half dozen more lined up outside the receiving room for Aelin to listen to and vet. “I would be honored to stand up in your wedding.” He thinks, then adds, “I’ve been told I’m very good at standing.”, Rowan nods sagely, placing his hand over his own heart. Work Search: “What’s going on?” he asks warily. The next few hours of Aelin’s life pass by in a blur of phone calls, emails, and damage-control. “I’m not going to apologize for spending time with Aelin,” he responds. He’s my friend, as well as my carranam, and I honestly enjoy being around him.” Even now, she wishes he were here to discuss the entertainment with her. Rowan didn't wait for the head to topple before he was on top of another, the blades the means, he, the weapon. “Yeah, you aren’t really easy to get alone. Fenrys sniffles, smiles sleepily, and tips back into a blissful rest. Chapter 2 - Aelin Chapter 3 - Feyre ... from now on Aelin and Rowan will be calling Amren/Manon Manon, and ACOTAR people will be calling her Amren. Rowan’s ever-suffering expression almost sends her into a fit of giggles but he walks away from the table before he can see her recovery. For a moment, he debates telling her that he is going to train, or to a meeting. Rowan’s words startle Lorcan from his stupor enough to say, “Only if I get to walk down the aisle with Elide.”. “I’m sorry,” he says. He’s called the lords he trusts to gather for a meeting. He clutches his wine bottle to his chest like a child’s toy. Aelin finds herself trying to ignore the twinge of pain she feels as she celebrates her friend's engagement, but a certain silver-haired male somehow helps her forget about it - even just for a little while. When the violinist finishes, Aelin claps politely, waking her companions from their confusion-infused tension until they clap as well. Rowan had known that this day would be long from the moment he woke up, Aelin’s heart hammering so hard he could feel it against his own chest. A quartet walks in and starts setting up their instruments. Erawan has totally taken over Duke’s body now. Lorcan scoffs and looks to the ceiling in annoyance. Then Lysandra is reaching over to grasp her other hand. She snatched 2 of the nightgowns out of my hands. Lorcan nods. Cadre night is a long-standing tradition between the members of Maeve’s sworn. Rowan mentions he’s blood-sworn to Aelin, and this infuriates Aedion. Breakfast is filled with less-than-sly looks, blushing, and heated gazes. He knows he won’t get a straight answer from Lorcan on how he feels about this girl. Fenrys and Lorcan exchange a glance that Rowan can’t or won’t read. The two males have only known him after Lyria, and never in their centuries together had a woman interrupted the inner workings of their group. He notices for the first time that Lorcan is clean shaven, dressed in fresh clothes, and his hair is combed. Aelin claps for the performers and they bow before making their exit. Technically, alcohol is against the cadre night rules, but ever since that night in Ferwhin, one of them has always snuck a bottle or four on the trip. It … His eyes sparkle with a hidden, lovely secret happiness. Aelin we can’t see each other.” Rowan was trying to keep still as … And I know I’m supposed to say that I’ve found that person in Aelin but no, you guys are my someone again.” He rubs his head with the bottom of the bottle, mussing his hair to the point of no return. Absolutely ridiculous. Well, that explains it. It distracts him enough that he doesn’t notice when a hand shoots out of a hidden doorway and pulls him into a room. “He saw my back,” she finally manages. Rowan whips his head around to look at his friend. Through cloudy skies and rainy days, I know I could always count on you.”. He will be the King Consort one day. They all know. “I never thought this day would come,” he says between stuttering gasps. Fenrys’ eyes line with silver and Lorcan is tipping over, his eyes half closed. Aelin rolls her eyes to the ceiling. The song ends with a flourish and Aelin stands, walking toward the pianist who bows her head respectfully. Fenrys’ smile grows. Sometimes Rowan considered if all of Maeve’s prissy nobility knew of the ruse with Lyria. At the end of their meeting, the King hugged Rowan, to his surprise, and told him he’s very glad that Aelin found a male like him. He was making his way to the door but I was drunk and my propriety meter was off kilter and I began undressing before he was out of the room. With two weeks to go until Coronation day, Aelin's days became increasingly full. “So, you want to marry her?” Rowan realizes his friends are worried about him. Everyone who deigned to wake up early enough for a hot breakfast is at the table, so Aelin and Rowan continue their competition by putting on a show. His daggers slide into their respective sheaths only when Rowan is done inspecting the rest of the room. Who would dare attack the princess’ fiancé in the palace? It’s an office, an incredibly small one at that, probably for a staff administrator. The princess leans down and whispers in the girl’s ear. “Are you serious?” Fenrys asks. It’s Rowan’s turn to blink. Rowan reveals he came back to Aelin because Lorcan Salvaterre is nearby. Ever. “Good for you,” Rowan says. Lunch with Dorian and Chaol went well enough. The pianist begins her song and Aelin finds her mind wrapped in a warm blanket of its melody. Lorcan has had women before—more than Rowan. Lorcan met a girl.”. “l should’ve talked to you before this. CHAPTER FOUR ( MASTERLIST) The next morning, Aelin wakes up with a crick in her neck and no solution in sight. Not to mention, what I do in my own bedchambers with my own fiancé should be no one’s issue other than mine and his.” She does not look at them, but her words are tight. And well…” Aelin thinks of the way Rowan dropped to his knees and feels her throat tighten. He both hears and feels Aelin sigh against him, persuaded to agree with her sentiment. A walk should empty his thoughts. Lorcan, who’s been uncharacteristically quiet, leans back in the tiny chair contently. Rowan nods once, staring at the handle on the desk drawer. “She’s-” he fights for the words. Rowaelin Arranged Marriage AU - Fic Masterlist. He is also King-Consort and mate to the Queen of Terrasen, Aelin Galathynius. Two words that do not fit well together in Rowan’s mind. A walk, he responds without speaking. “I am glad, darling, that he makes you happy.” She extends her hand to hold Aelin’s and even though the princess is still angry about the arrangement, even though she doesn’t understand her mother’s motives, she clutches the Queen’s hand and feels the warmth of her mother heat her soul more than any wildfire could. Aelin had pointed it out to him a couple nights ago on the balcony and explained that it always led the people of Terrasen home. “I’ll see you later, love.”. The lords want to meet at a different location. Rowan’s stomach is full of meat and alcohol, a wonderful combination. 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It’s secluded and out of the way, perfect for a meeting requiring privacy but he is sure that the fact of one exit is grating his friend’s instincts as much as his own. Smoke and branches distort most of the constellations but he can still see the Stag. Through the dark, she could see him barely nod, his chin dipping slightly as he struggled with a reply. Lorcan mutters, “He calls her Aelin now.” His words are so quiet, Rowan almost doesn’t hear them. It’s more attention then he’s used to receiving. “I was wrong, you are glowing,” Lysandra giggles and Aelin feels her own smile on her face without realizing she put it there. The corners of Fenrys’ mouth tilt up in an answering smile. “No. They make up. He was glad that he knew of Aelin’s scars and how they came about because the men were not good at hiding secrets. They’d never made him look… peaceful. They also raise their bottles groggily. “After Lyria, I never thought I would find someone again. “Yeah, sure, dude,” Fenrys intones. Rowan settles back into his chair and smirks. The man bows and leaves the room with due haste. Rowan’s chest had filled with pride and then Chaol had assured him that they’d both be in the long line to kill Rowan if he ever did anything to hurt the princess. He storms out. He tucks his hands into his pockets to hide their clenching. Aelin wants Rowan to sleep in her bed, just like in Wendlyn. Lysandra seems disgruntled, if not disappointed, and Elide smartly keeps her mouth shut. “Thank Hellas, I never want to go back to Doranelle.”. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do, she smirks. Please consider turning it on! Rowan is indignant. “I’m honestly not sure to what extent my feelings for him stretch right now. But as she grew, Aelin realized the impossibility of it. Aelin, Rowan, Aedion, and Lysandra have traveled to a secret meeting area of Aedion’s. Aelin swears in a gasp, reminding Rowan of all the sounds he wants to pull from her. “Terrasen has many attractive qualities.”, Fenrys leans toward Rowan and almost falls off the desk. But none had captured his interest enough for him to stay. If you accept cookies from our site and you choose "Proceed", you will not be asked again during this session (that is, until you close your browser). Of course. For them to think that Rowan would pressure her into sex, for them to believe that she would let herself be pressured into it. You aren’t glowing enough for it to have been good.” This time, it’s Aedion’s turn to elbow her. And to think that Rowan wouldn’t be completely fantastic in bed. He was in my bed because he hadn’t wanted to leave me unprotected or alone.” Explaining the last few days makes Aelin’s head clearer—or it might be the music—but the strong emotions that accompany the memories surprise her. Plastering on a smile, Rowan strolls the halls of the palace. She’s a very nice girl.” Fenrys snorts and the demi-Fae’s glare intensifies. “It’s just us, Rowan, calm down.” Fenrys. They both smile conspiratorially and the performer nods, places her hands back on the keys, and plays the song that Aelin wants at her wedding. Thank you.”. Lorcan shifts nervously. Aelin almost feels bad for him—but she feels worse for herself. I told him everything and he did not judge, or ridicule, or question. He catches himself before he says something like ‘whatever you have to say to me, you can say in front of her’. He was wrong in his speech, Aelin is his someone. Chapter 28. “We’re carranam.”, Both males blink. “I’m glad you’ve found someone who makes you happy, as well.”, A hint of a smile ghosts over Lorcan’s face. His mind goes spinning down a rabbit hole. Rumor indeed spread rapidly of Aelin and Rowan’s night together. Maeve probably sent him to find the Wyrdkey. When she was little, Aelin used to think that she and Aedion might be carranam. It’s better to meet him halfway. “Well, none of that happened,” Aelin responds, only half listening to the lilting melody cascading from the quartet’s strings. Briefly, Rowan counts the days since he updated his friends. If you proceed you have agreed that you are willing to see such content. He has done nothing wrong since the day I met him.” And Aelin realizes that her statement is true. Just before he lets sleep overtake him, he makes a promise to that ancient being. Her friends also seem at a loss for words. He gathered their knowledge of Aelin, tucking their tidbits of advice—whether they knew they were giving it or not—into the part of his mind he’s reserved for his future wife. Rowan has not violated her trust, has not hurt her, looked down on her, or harassed her in any way, shape, or form since their original encounter was cleared up. Maeve probably sent him to find the Wyrdkey. They don’t want him to go into this unhappy. If you log in you can store your preference and never be asked again. She watched as he crossed his arms across his chest and then immediately dropped them to his sides. He excuses himself from his conversation with Nehemia—princess of Eyllwe who is wonderful and kind but has been scrutinizing him extensively since they met. She gestures for the manager to bring in the next performer. He listened and comforted me for most of the morning. She shakes her head. Meet me in the orchard at nine o'clock. “Lady Elide Lochan-”. It’s rather boring, but a good distraction for her as she tries to ignore the shifting glances of her friends. The violinist isn’t bad, not at all, but it isn’t really the feel she wants for her wedding. She will believe him, he knows she will. CHAPTER 43 Aelin leaned back in her chair. Aelin pops a grape into her mouth and chews thoughtfully. The laws in Terrasen are different then Wendlyn. “Deal,” Rowan says immediately, and Lorcan promptly falls asleep. Fenrys wipes an imaginary tear. His arms are crossed over his chest and while his demeanor might seem like he was also pulled into this room against his will, Rowan knows better. She thoroughly examines a grape while answering, so she doesn’t have to meet their eyes. Rowaelin Arranged Marriage AU - Fic Masterlist. His blades screamed through the air, cleaving apart the neck of a black garbed soldier. “He’s actually rather wonderful. He storms out. Chapter Text. He’s not the only one falling in love, it seems. Where are you going? About halfway through the game, he put them out of their misery with as much finesse as he could muster when conversing about the delicate subject matter. Aelin wants Rowan to sleep in her bed, just like in Wendlyn. The princess lets the beautiful chords lull her brain into contentment as she ponders the sensations roiling in her gut. CHAPTER 13. Fenrys reaches a hand out and stops Rowan midstep. “What’s going on, Rowan?” he asks. tip: lex m/m (mature OR explicit). She takes it gratefully and shifts to hide the content from her prying mother. Like “And tell Rowan,” Aelin … “We know,” Lorcan grumbles, catching the bottle and then spinning it idly in the dirt. Their conversation that morning proved to make them more comfortable with each other and by the end of the meal, Rowan’s skin is on fire. And if this was a normal relationship it would have happened by this point already. His someone. 1 Romances 1.1 Rowan Whitethorn 1.2 Sam Cortland 1.3 Dorian Havilliard 1.4 Chaol Westfall 1.5 Arobynn Hamel 2 Friendships 2.1 Ansel of Briarcliff 2.2 Lysandra 2.3 Nehemia Ytger 2.3.1 Nox Owen Rowan and Aelin first meet in Wendlyn in Heir of Fire when he is given the orders from the immortal Queen Maeve to take Aelin to see her. You can sleep in the bathtub if you have a problem with it.” ... “Tell me that even if I lead us all to ruin, we’ll burn in hell together.” ― Sarah J. Maas, Queen of Shadows. Rowan scoots around the little fire ring they created and pats his friend’s shoulder awkwardly. She offered him a bite of her blueberry pastry, going so far as to hold the fork for him while he ate it. “I love her.” It’s the first time he’s said the words out loud but they ring with truth. Manon is called to a meeting with Vernon and Duke Perrington. Centuries of self-control doesn’t just disappear overnight, but he does need to refresh. “You’ve always been there for me, no matter the consequences or potential dangers. Aelin’s partner in… everything. They lend themselves to their animalistic tendencies and survive by Fae instincts alone. Rowan lays on his back as well and stares up at the sky through the canopy of leaves. “I-” He blows his nose, then lays his mucus covered hand over his heart. Lorcan and Fenrys lounge against logs surrounding the dwindling fire across from Rowan, their goofy grins betraying their drunkenness. And Aedion knew that, at least Rowan thought. He catches himself with a chuckle and whispers, “One specific quality, really. “I’d be dead without you and I’m so glad we’re here together to start this new chapter of our lives.”. She tastes like lavender and smoky bacon, a combination that shouldn’t go together but is making his head dizzy. Remind me to do that soon- But fine, I could always use them." Well, except that little tiny huge thing that keeps nagging in the back of his head like an annoying fly. They didn’t sleep together, they just slept… together. Clipped. “I didn’t have sex with Rowan Whitethorn.” Aedion’s sigh of relief is the loudest, followed by her mother’s. Lysandra butts in, her voice dropping to a whisper as the quartet begins their song, “I was worried that he didn’t give you a good time. “I’m serious, you guys are the best.”. Rowan and I are both drifting off to sleep when there is a knock on the door to our rooms. When We’re Married Chapter 10. I don’t know what happened.” But Aelin happened. Fenrys’ eyebrows raise. Finding her partner in Rowan shocked her to her core. He smiles weakly. He chuckles humorlessly and drags a hand over his face. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. He would bet money that Lorcan set up this meeting. But yes,” she laughs, “we definitely like Rowan now.”. “I thought you didn’t like her.”. He smiles back. Evalin shifts uneasily in her seat. But we also know that before yesterday, you and Rowan were practically at each other’s throats—and not in the good way, either.” Aedion chokes slightly and Lysandra elbows him ruefully. Lorcan’s expression spreads into a feral grin and both of them look to Rowan for confirmation. No windows, one door, and only two light sources—wall torches on opposite walls. Also I really do feel that for Rowan and Aelin: I hate you is code word for I love you. If they all considered him a gullible heartbroken fool who had lost their respect before he’d gotten the chance to earn it. His friend is settled in a chair that is much too small for his overpowering frame. Aelin’s expression changes to an easy, lovesick smile but as Rowan stands, her eyes meet his own. Rowan guessed that word had already spread about his stay in Aelin’s bed last night. Even if we tried asking, you’re never more than five feet from the princess.” The male shrugs unapologetically. He takes her by the waist, arching her back into him, grinding their hips together. Their stories were filled with holes as they tried to maneuver unsuccessfully around that fateful summer. Queen Evalin sees all of this in her daughter’s expression and smiles softly. With her fiery heart and passionate mind, he would be overjoyed to spend the rest of his life with her. They worked so well together, their movements and thoughts so in sync it would only be logical to assume it was something supernatural. But after everything, he is not going to hide anything from her. “Aelin.” Rowan couldn’t bring himself to say anything else. He kissed her temple afterward and he could have sworn her eyes slipped closed in peaceful contentment. “I have an appointment with King Dorian for lunch, but meet me in the stables at two o'clock. But it was necessary to understand the aftermath of the ordeal. No doubt he also felt the palpable rigidity in the air. But the thought only served to frustrate him. Fenrys coughs. Lorcan. I regret to inform you that Fenrys and Lorcan are kidnapping me for the night. Well, that’s just plain absurd. As a friend of Aelin, he’s sure she’s doing the same thing they all are; making sure he is good enough for the princess. Elide, Lysandra, and Aedion also sit around her, all of them waiting silently to ask the one question on all of their minds. It doesn’t need to be vocalized. Rowan mentions he’s blood-sworn to Aelin, and this infuriates Aedion. “He carried me there last night. It’s the middle of the night in Doranelle, so Aelin resists every fiber of her being telling her to call Rowan. The weight of this morning paired with very little sleep finally catches up to him. His fireheart. He’s exhausted. But it was the completely wrong rumor and had been blown to such proportions that the Queen herself had thought it necessary to join her daughter in the viewing session. I really don't get the point of it. Even Rowan was staring at her now, surprise and annoyance written on his face. Overall, they’d let the hall content and the prince felt one step closer to fitting in. Rowan harrumphs. As if she knew the change of his voice by heart. Aelin groans at the taste of him; Rowan can’t help the satisfied smirk that comes over his face at how easily she comes undone for him. “You met a girl?” he asks, not unkindly. It was excruciating to talk about it, to even think about the horrors that the woman he loves went through at such a young age. After that first night spent together, Rowan seemed to settle in a bit more, staying over at her place several times and inviting her over to stay at his, too. Clear his mind. The King beat them in cards but Rowan collected more than gold coins. “We’re just worried that he is pressuring you into something, or feeling something, that you don’t want to do or you don’t truly feel.”. Or the way Aelin couldn’t stop listening to her playlist, hips swaying as she belted out the lyrics to the heart wrenching love songs. The prince realizes that he still has his bottle raised and lowers it, blood rushing back to his fingers. Fenrys is crying harder, using a nearby leaf as a handkerchief. They could talk about how the cellist’s hair looked like a bird’s nest, and Aelin would joke about how Rowan could make a home there. “Gods…”, Suddenly, Rowan is standing, pacing the three feet of empty floor space. And everyone was throwing them side-long glances. I love Aelin and Rowan so much. In a week’s time, we’ll be forced to perform those duties anyway. She folds the letter again and slips it into the handy pocket sewn into the folds of her dress. “He’s a poet now, he’s going to start rhyming soon,” Fenrys mutters. Including the ever-present tug toward an unknown part of the estate that she somehow knows is Rowan. A piano is pushed into position in front of the group and a woman walks in promptly afterward. “Well, to celebrate my two best pals falling in love-” Lorcan bristles at the word but doesn’t protest, “-let’s have a cadre night!”. Rowan reveals he came back to Aelin because Lorcan is nearby. She raises her hand to signal for a brief halt in performances and then lets the room stew in silence for a couple more moments before she finally speaks. He does. Dorian and Chaol seemed like the best fountains of knowledge in that area. He wants to take her back to the lysvila, wants to dance with her again and banish the memories of her scars with dozens of happy ones. And Lorcan, Rowan observes as he scans the room. she says silently. He respected them for what they’d done for Aelin and it showed in his demeanor. “She is wonderful and kind and funny and strong and-” his heart clenches, “she makes me happy.”. He recognizes that for him, it will always lead him back to her. You could’ve just asked me to talk.”. “She befriended me a couple days ago. Aelin turns to the shapeshifter and meets her striking green eyes full of worry. He is immediately certain that if they thought he didn’t want this marriage, they would find him a way out. His hands are clutching his daggers before the door even closes behind him. Rowan recognizes that the trend is about to change. “What happened to you?” The prince asks incredulously. The letter is in the sprawling script of Rowan’s hand and it makes her smile. He most certainly is not what she expected from the most powerful full-blooded Fae male. ), Forever tag list: @queen-archeron @rhysand-darling @nestaarch @little-bird-of-wisdom-2215 @aster-ria @sensitive-illyrian-babys @empress-ofbloodshed @beelezebub @mikaylamee @ladyvanserra @acer6437 @wolffrising @killer98queen @queen-of-fire-and-starlight @poisonwhiterose @wewhohavefailed @lizcantspell @fiercemidnites @dreamerforever-4 @illyrianbastards @rhysieorbuzzard @abillionlittlepieces @awesomelittlebabydragon @friestacosandzeus @lady-therion @throne–of-sass @indiefangirlflash @reelgals @lethalfumes @mariamuses @autumnleavesandangelswings @deezmuhsheeple @araujol1  (If you would like to be added to this list, let me know!

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