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maplestory dawn warrior

Demon Slayer, Angelic Buster, Demon Avenger, Kanna, Zero. i wnted to ask u bout soul master. Keep in mind I do not speak Korean, this is done with Google translate and edited to make sense in English. Rising Sun – Damage: 2400%, Attacks: 3. Plus, 2-handed sword has further attacking range and better damage to compensate the lack of defense that a shield can offer. Level 30: MP Cost: 1000, Duration: 70 sec, creates an afterimage when you use an offensive skill, Afterimage Damage: 60% of Final Damage. Upon using an offensive skill, the sun and moon inflict an additional attack every 5 sec on up to 10 enemies with bonus 100% Critical Rate. Feb 2, 2018. Do you know what buffs each of these new pets give? Soul Guardian (MAX) 6. Level 1: MP Cost: 27, Damage: 233%, Number of Attacks: 2, Enemies Pushed Back: 6 Level 20: MP Cost: 37, Damage: 290%, Number of Attacks: 2, Enemies Pushed Back: 6. Hi Song Hyun Young, it is similar to Luminous System, where you have a skill can change depending on which mode you are in. Next, max Sword Expert to boost your min-max damage followed by Master of the Sword to enhance Sol/Luna Stance. An alternative free method would be recreate the character (delete character, and retrain) = waste valuable time but save you real money and/or meso. You thought initially Moon Stance and Sun Stance were fun, and then 4th job hits you. Personally from levels 10-30 I just used elemental slash as the primary attacking skill since its just as good as triple slash and it costs no mana to use. Level 1: MP Cost: 57, Damage: 208%, Number of Attacks: 6, Enemies Hit: 7 Level 30: MP Cost: 75, Damage: 295%, Number of Attacks: 6, Enemies Hit: 7. @Jensi: You can farm meso at highly populated mob areas such as Moon Bunnies at Korean Folk Town. I recently finished making a level 120 Dawn Warrior, FINALLY, and decided to make a guide about AP/SP allocation. raginroxas Hello?Anyone there? I’m a little confused on this patch, do you download it, or is it downloaded automatically? Attacking with Styx Crossing creates a rift to the underworld for 10 sec. Level 5: 25 HP and 15 MP recovered every 4 seconds. Are dawn warriors good unfunded damage wise? The Max Combo Counter is 5 and the standard Damage inflicted is when the Combo Counter is at 3. Hey Ayumi, why isn’t the SOUL MASTER 2ND JOB SKILLS Luna Slice + Sol Rush / Flicker + Bluster (Active) maxed? Hidden Street is a fansite set up to provide cohesive and comprehensive information to MapleStory … Striker absorbs damage like a sponge, higher HP consumption. Why would you still be using Luna slice sol rush/Flicker bluster when you’re at later parts of the gaming and will mainly be using your 4th job skills. Required fields are marked *. No more than 2 rifts can be open at once. Inner Light (MAX) 3. Moon shadow is stronger for less my, but is replaced by a better skill in fourth job and moon cross may have more utility. You may become a Dawn Warrior after completing the tutorial, accepting the job quest from Neinheart, and then talking with Mihile. @CheezSandwy: Thanks for informing about the new Dawn Warrior 4th Job Skill! Level 5: MP -13, summon Soul of Attack 25 for 125 sec. Level 1: One-handed and Two-handed Sword Mastery: 14%, Accuracy: +12 Level 20: One-handed and Two-handed Sword Mastery: 50%, Accuracy: +120, Nimble Finger | Soul Speed (Supportive) Required Skill: Sword Mastery (5) Expend willpower to increase reaction speed. I have added a guide link in the Related Guides section. I dont have Nimble Finger, and I’m in GMS… Is Nimble Finger 3rd or 2nd job? 4th job Dawn Warrior skill popped up maxed outta nowhere in my Reboot DW I’m like wtf is this. 1. Personal opinion I'd chose hero over dawn warrior but that's simply because I find the class a little lackluster from 5th job onwards, it's black 5th job skill is nice, but it's other two are basically a weird shadow clone and allowing you to spam the 170 hyper. Nimble Finger is for MSEA. Soluna’s Harmony | Equinox Cycle (Supportive) Required Skill: Falling Moon (MAX) and Rising Sun (MAX) Reconfigure the solar and lunar cycles. maplestory dawn warrior guide fifth job bossing training Dawn Warrior Guide. Level 150+ please. We # 1 daimoauz yeap, its dead alright. (REBOOT). Are they ping friendly? Rising Sun (MAX) (you don’t list light merger and they don’t list moon shadow – but the descriptions don’t match) Thanks! I've never played a warrior, but I somehow heard or got it into my head that Fighters/Dawn Warriors are supposed to use 1h swords and a shield, not 2h swords. Level 1: MP Cost: 10, All Stats: +1%, Duration: 30 sec Level 30: MP Cost: 70, All Stats: +15%, Duration: 900 sec, Swirling Moon | Moon Dancer (Active: Moon Mode) Required Skill: Luna Stance | Falling Moon (1) Empowers your sword with the energy of the Full Moon to slash at all enemies in sight. are both descriptions accurate? Be careful not to max Triple Slash as you will not have sufficient SP to max all skills. tl;dr: Hidden Street is a fansite set up to provide cohesive and comprehensive information to MapleStory gamers. Soul of Resilience (MAX) 5. another bad video you show skills per usual that are old or not even available – you cant use the light attacks or sol or w.e in 2nd job you dont even get the stance or the skills. Level 30: MP Cost: 70, Duration: 200 sec. This skill also has very far range which hit enemies without the skill animation touching them and you can jump attack enemies above you. Do the skills Luna Slice/Flicker and Moon/Sun Cross have significant use endgame? Thanks! i have tried lowering the graphics and the delay continues. @Shoullan: 2-handed sword if you opt not to scroll/potential the shield due to insufficient funds. Then, max Sword of Light for additional min-max damage boost. INTRODUCTION. Thanks XxXxX for your feedback! What’s the better overall pick in your opinion? So its either spend $$$ or spend time 😀. High MP consumption for 3rd Job Skills and 4th Job Skills. Triple Slash (19/20) 5. Level 1: 1 MP Cost: 1000, disables Styx Crossing’s cooldown for 30 sec and sets skill to max charge, but reduces Final Damage by 50%. MapleSEA received Knight of Cygnus Revamp on August 8th 2013 in version 1.32 patch. boss). Moon Dancer (MAX) 12. Focuses the power of the sun into your blade. if thats any motivation. Is this a glitch or something? Careening Dance – Reinforce 2. I’m guessing shield is for more defense and possibly potentialing! patch.Dawn Warrior can now level up as high as the rest of the classes and able to utilize 4th Job Skills and Hyper Skills. 2-handed sword usually deals higher damage than 1-handed sword even if both have the same amount of weapon attack. @Kurisu: When your skill debuff effect (e.g. What would be required to help you out with the making of a new Dawn Warrior video for their Hyper Skills and 5th Job skills? If yes, u will get elemental toggle when u reach lvl 120. Sword of Light (MAX) 4. Even with low equips, its quite powerful and it gets even stronger with better funding on the equip. Hi, does Dawn Warrior still have delay when using Soluna’s Harmony/Equinox Cycle or is it fixed? Level 1: MP Cost: 18, Damage: 158%, Number of Attacks: 5, Enemies Hit: 6 Level 20: MP Cost: 28, Damage: 215%, Number of Attacks: 5, Enemies Hit: 6, Sun Cross (Active: Sun Mode) Required Skill: Luna Stance | Falling Moon (1) Cuts down distant enemies at an angle before pulling them toward you. @dawn [email protected]: It depends on the number of hours you play and the place you train and the items/equips/NX cash you have (2x EXP). Can someone help me decide? Then, max Sword of Light for additional min-max damage boost. Guide Author elluci Views 111680. Dawn Warrior can now level up as high as the rest of the classes and able to utilize 4th Job Skills and Hyper Skills. Class-Specific Skills: Skills that can be used by a specific Class (Warrior, Magician, Bowman, Thief, and Pirate). Not to mention, Dawn Warrior 5th Job is just as amazing, with the star of the show being SOUL ECLIPSE. Foresight (MAX) 8. Game content and materials are trademarks and copyrights of their respective publisher and its licensors. Applies to any Cygnus class within the party, Soul Master Hyper Skill Build (MSEA): 1. Go with Scania if you want to look for pre-scrolled starforced equips easily in Freemarket. Striker or Soul Master ? @Cyda: Damage, Boss Damage, Critical Damage, Critical Rate are the main ones. MapleStory Dawn Warrior aka Soul Master Skill Build Guide. Hi John, I’ll be adding 4th Job Skill later 🙂. When the sun and the moon are completely overlapped, use the skill one more time to use Equinox Divide. Please refer to Cygnus Beginner/Noblesse Skill Build Guide for more details as it is shared among Dawn Warrior, Wind Archer, Blaze Wizard, Night Walker and Thunder Breaker. Styx Crossing 8. : Harmony of the Sword reduces your damage to 80% from 100% of your base/main damage but allows you to deal double hits (so basically 80% x 2 = 160%) which only applies to Falling Moon Skill. Inner Harmony (MAX) 4. Nimble Finger (MAX) 8. What is your gaming style (playstyle)? Falling Moon, Flicker, Trace Cut, Sword Mastery (1) 2. Divide and Pierce – Extra Target 6. I believe these three skills work brilliantly when training and bossing and I hope this post helps other dawn warriors out there (if there's any >.<). At level 10, players have the opportunity to become a Dawn Warrior. Link: .It is only usable when Equinox Cycle is active, its level is the same as Equinox Cycle, and at lv30 (can’t tell on lower levels, my DW is already lv17x) it reads: “Charges forward and slashes the enemy. For more details, visit the changelog page at Question which of the three revamp Cygnus is the strongest if you are unfunded. So which one should he choose in order to play Dawn Warrior? You must have a One-Handed Sword or Two-Handed Sword equipped in order to use most of your skills. Hi Ayumi! thanks. GMS currently do not have any updates/patch for this yet. I hope to be as helpful and as accurate… I’m thinking about maining Dawn Warrior or Hayato. really missed Basilmarket 2010~2015. Harmony of the Sword (1) 3. Level 1: MP -16, Damage 115%, attack 1 monster Level 2: MP -16, Damage 120%, attack 1 monster Level 3: MP -16, Damage 125%, attack 1 monster Level 4: MP -16, Damage 130%, attack 1 monster Level 5: MP -16, Damage 135%, attack 1 monster Level 6: MP -16, Damage 140%, attack 1 monster Triple Slash (1) 2. @Rashid: I was kinda busy lately with other tasks such as my new Flash Game and the Grand Athenaeum update 🙂 I’ll look into it now in the Striker Job Comment Section. Trace Cut (19/20) 10. For Thunder Breaker, you will need to keep switching skills whereas Dawn Warrior just hold down 1 button to spam attack (this saves your fingers from being hurt after tapping multiple times). Level 1: MP -11, summon Soul of Attack 21 for 105 sec. Hm, that definitely seems nice, I've tried to plan ahead a lot for this character. Job Skills: Skills that can only be used by that Job, similar to 1st through 4th Job Skills. Cooldown: 180 sec, Triple Slash Final Damage: +7% per level. Dawn Warrior needs a Revamp. I noticed that the Divine Hand skill in the 2nd job is marked as supportive. Level 1: MP Cost: 32, Success Rate: 10%, Enemy DEF in Range: -1%, Duration: 3 sec, final damage the enemy receives increased by 1%. @MellohNi: You would choose Cygnus as Mihile is the captain of the knights. Use Inverse Slash for bossing whereas Luna Slice for hit and run on flat platform. CLASS: Cygnus Knight EQUIPMENT TYPE: Warrior PRIMARY WEAPON: Sword SECONDARY WEAPON: Jewel | Shield PRIMARY STAT: Strength (STR) LINK SKILL: Cygnus Blessing – Abnormal Status and Elemental Resistance +5/10% MAPLE UNION EFFECT: Max HP +250/500/1000/2000/2500 BEST INNER ABILITY: Attack +30, Boss Damage +20% JOB SKILLS: I: Dawn Warrior → II: Dawn Warrior → III: Dawn Warrior → IV: Dawn Warrior → Hyper Skills → V: Dawn Warrior, Ayumilove MapleStory Dawn Warrior Soul Master 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Job Skills Preview Revamp 2013. @eunwol: The video was made in 2013 and MapleStory has performed 1 or more skill revamps between 2013 to 2018 that may have added, updated or removed the skills. That being side once funding or 15%str equips are worn, it would deal some pretty high numbers. Note: Bolded = essential skill | Non-bolded = non-essential skill. Kaiser is a bit rough and I think I’m only going for link skill to my main Demon Avenger. Cooldown: 5 sec. The maximum level for Cygnus Knight is 250. Eh, as someone who's spent large amounts of time with these two classes (Mained Aran before Reboot since their release, and since have mained Dawn Warrior on Reboot), Aran makes use of more than just swing when training. Moon Shadow (MAX) 4. These passive and active skills will make you even more powerful. To efficiently train using Inverse Slash, you will need to practice rear attack. Light Flux only hit 1 enemy vs Moon Shadow hits 6 enemies. Cooldown: 240 sec, Soul Eclipse Max Level: 25 (30 with Matrix Points) Focus your wisdom and the strength of your soul to call forth a stunning eclipse. @UshiBlessing: It’s quite simple! Hey Ayumi! Multiple attacks is much more favored especially against enemies that usually are higher level or has high avoidability (creates lots of misses). @Ayumilove Just to be certain, do you want ALL skills or just 5th Job skills? As a secondary, Dawn Warriors can equip Shields or Jewels, What's unique about Dawn Warriors is that they have two separate stances that they use for attacking. those were the good somanypages MY NAMI YEEZ ALLOHCHOU animus -Fish noise-3 marilanna It's me again, checking in for my annual complaint that there was nothing … Click the link in the Related Guides. Once you have a decent level of Solunar Time, you can use both Swirling Moon vs Sunset Splitter to your advantage to cycle through the map.

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