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questions about spiritual self

[1] Haydn Shaw, Generational IQ: Christianity Isn’t Dying, Millennials Aren’t the Problem, And the Future Is Bright (Carol Stream, IL: Tyndale, 2015), 117. How will doing some good works, that we should have done all our lives, make up for all the countless times we failed? When you come to this question, you only have three options. And you might even be able to encourage people to consider the claims of Christ. Do you have a background in religion? For God to allow those crimes to go unpunished would mean that God is not worthy of our worship and love. Question 4: What’s going to happen to those people in the world who’ve never heard about Jesus Christ? One must never stop asking questions. And all of the suffering and all of the death that we see in the world today are because man has chosen to make wrong choices. 6. We just have this weird tendency to disregard it, especially when it conflicts with our desires for pleasure or personal gain. And there are five questions a coach should ask to help you examine and expand your personal spiritual consciousness. Expect God to show you things that need to be confessed and changed. Why is there evil in the world? Why? Although they might seem similar, the practice of spiritual self-care differs from emotion… Question 3: Do all religions lead to God? Where did I come from? Then, review the questions in this post to look at your life at an even deeper level. He cared so much to keep us out of hell that he sent Jesus Christ to come to earth, to die on the cross, to pay for our sins so that we don’t have to pay for them. Some people are better at asking authentic questions than others. Why or why not? You just need to be bold enough to ask the questions and care enough to listen. If you haven’t, I would encourage you to investigate him today. And some of them admitted they guessed. © 2021 Josh McDowell Ministry | All rights reserved. Jesus never said, “I’ve come that you might have religion.” He said, “I came that you might have life and have it more abundantly.”. The fact is, we all inherently know right from wrong. No, we’re not saying that. Look at the logic. Bring me my credentials. Every person since then refers to Jesus Christ, whether they believe in him or not. The truth is, all roads don’t lead to Rome and all religions don’t lead to God. What do you understand the core of the Christian message to be? First is what I call the mystical approach, and that is to look within. I get a vague sense of the Self, but I can’t seem to bring it clearly into focus. 9. You can also print out a free worksheet. What would it take for you to believe in God in general and Christianity in particular. 20 Questions To Ask That Will Reveal A Person’s True Self Lifestyle In life, we all just want someone to know us, to hear us, and to appreciate us.We want someone to listen to our crazy stories and philosophies at 3AM, call us just to say hello, and ask us those questions that other people didn’t. It is the authentic self, the unconditioned part, the you without patterns. If we treat people with kindness, charity, and show a genuine interest in how they see the world, most people are open to discussing religious matters. While self-examination is not something that modern Christians are often taught, it is a beneficial spiritual discipline. Spiritual practice and beliefs related to healing are described using data from a telephone survey. And some of them said, “If you know the purpose, please tell me.”. (Jeremiah 17:9) Alternately, each human self or spirit is a unique creation by God. I love you. The only way you’d know its purpose was either talk to the creator who made it, or read the owner’s manual. God is love. Well I don’t know about you, but I stopped being perfect a long time ago. Now, if you had to choose between a loved one and a material thing, even if that thing was priceless, you’d chose your loved one in a heartbeat. You’re not going to say, “Bring me my trophies. Tags: apologetics, apologist, Christianity, Evangelism, Religion. He said, “I’m going to prove the claim that I am God.” He said, “I’m going to let people kill me on a cross, then let them bury me. Here are ten questions you might find helpful to advance genuine spiritual conversations with those who do not share your faith. But are their assumptions accurate? It takes a great deal of courage and self-discipline to align with the truths of our soul. What experiences have most shaped your spiritual life? In fact, Jesus talked more about hell then he did heaven. Be intentional. A lot of wars have been done in the name of Christianity that Jesus probably would have disavowed. Our mentors are not counsellors. Well now, think about the logic of this. You might have heard somebody say, “I don’t believe there’s such a thing as right or wrong.” Or maybe you’ve heard a professor say, “There are no absolutes.” Whenever I hear that I want to say, “Are you absolutely sure?” You have to ask yourself, “Is this statement even logical? You can accept him or you can reject him, it’s your choice. Ultimately, this brings questions about who we are and the nature of our own importance. Emotional Maturity Stunted by Cultural Tolerance? Shaw is right—younger generations are interested in truth-related questions. The real issue is: do you know Jesus Christ? There is nothing purer than the path to discovering the true meaning of one’s life, the purpose of existence and the acknowledgment and connection that can be forged from within with oneself.. In fact, Jesus prevented hais own disciples from defending themselves against the enemies when He said, “I want you to turn the other cheek” (Matthew 5:39). How important is spirituality to your life. The person who would say, “there is no right or wrong,” would not agree that it was okay to be raped. That in itself is the nature of evil: evil is choosing not to love. In fact, Jesus Christ has made it possible for you to go to heaven. Bring your Bible, a pen, and some paper. Here are ten questions you might find helpful to advance genuine spiritual conversations with those who do not share your faith. 8. Just fill in the form below and one of our mentors will get back to you as soon as possible. You see, it all depends on which direction you take. 7. Question 5: What about all the wars that are caused in the name of Christianity? But it is our decision to take that news to as many people as possible. This comes only through paying more attention to our motives and emotional health (out of which arises spiritual vibrancy) than to mere accomplishments and objectives. Here are 7 Questions to evaluate where you are in the Christian life: 1. And the Bible says we will be held more responsible because we have heard and we have known that God is love, that God wants a relationship to us and that God will forgive us if we give our lives to Jesus Christ. If you want to probe further for specific strategies to have meaningful spiritual conversations, check out the essay, “Christians in the Argument Culture: Apologetics as Conversation” in A New Kind of Apologist . And when we violate our conscience, we need forgiveness. Now Jesus didn’t just expect us to just believe him and take him at his word. ; paying attention to your own motives as you ask the questions: are you forcing a conversation or manipulating the situation? wants to know, ‘How do we know that?’ Three of the six reasons Barna Group gives in their book Churchless for why Millennial Christians are leaving their churches are intellectual: Christianity is too shallow, churches seem antagonistic to science, and the exclusivity of Christianity is a turnoff.”[1]. They say, “Look within to discover your purpose.” The only problem is that doesn’t work. 6 Simple Questions For Self-Reflection. Love is a choice. Even today, they are useful as you examine your spiritual life. 5. God wants you to get to know him and love him back. Q: I cannot seem to find, know or perceive the Self or Awareness. They don’t accept simple answers. And that’s where you go to a seminary class or university class and you sit there with a pipe and your latte and you ask questions like, “Why am I here? This beautiful dance with life allows for our spirit to grow, pushing away the attachment of the “egoic mind,” operating out of the space of the “God Mind” or soul. We came from the goo through the zoo to you over billions of years. 5. Of course. Now the potential for love outweighs the existence of evil, because you see, evil is only going to exist for a short time, but love is going to go on forever. That’s the most fundamental question of life. Do all religions lead to God? Personal relationships to God and to other people are the most important thing in life. Have you ever turned your life over to Jesus Christ? Those who say, “God, may your will be done” and those to whom God says, “Your will be done.” When we say, “I want to do it my way,” we essentially say to God, “I don’t want you in my life while I’m here on earth.” Then God says, “I don’t want you in my heaven for eternity.”. Imagine I were to say to you, "On my right is a door heading to heaven, and on my left is a door heading to hell." How Did Christianity Prevail in Ancient Rome and What Can We Learn from It? Jesus is not interested in the religion of Christianity. You find this in a lot of talk shows, a lot of new age books, and a lot of seminars. sensitive to the timing, the prompting of the Holy Spirit, and the level of your friend’s spiritual thirst. He put you here to know him and love him. Why do I exist? Because there are real dollars in the world. And if you get accidentally killed, well, of course, that doesn’t matter. Well, when you think about it, you only have three options as to who Jesus Christ was. Jesus Christ has made it possible for you to go to heaven. You see, there are only two kinds of people in the world. If we choose to reject God here on earth, then we, at the same time, are choosing to spend eternity separated from him. Well, first I believe in hell because Jesus talked about it. So how do we best engage this younger generation? The dynamism of self-identity sharply declines into the later years, though it may still fluctuate. And as Christians we are called to tell the good news to other people. Addressing 10 common spiritual questions below, Rick Warren reveals the truth plainly without clouding the issue with religious jargon or rules.*. Jesus Christ. Depending on the list there were either 21 or 22 standard questions. You know, I’ve talked to people who were missionaries in Africa who’ve told me that Jesus has revealed himself through nature. In fact, the Bible tells us that God does almost everything – well everything possible — to keep us out of hell. Recently, I came across 20 questions that eloquently serve this purpose. You were made to be loved by God and to bring him pleasure. Common Questions About Awakening. You don’t have to be an expert! It’s energizing, inspiring, and most of all, it feels right. Three Guidelines for Self-Examination 1. In fact, if we could know the purpose of life by looking within, we’d all know it by now. Think of all the atrocities and evil that have been done throughout history by evildoers in this world. In many cases, simple answers are a turnoff. Well first, let me say that a lot of things have been done in the name of Christianity that Jesus Christ would totally disavow. That’s right. Do I listen? The Bible tells us that on the road to heaven, there are only two directions: toward Christ or away from him. You know a lot of people sincerely believe that even though they’ve broken God’s rules that they can earn God’s forgiveness by doing good works, by observing the Five Pillars of Islam or the Buddhist Eightfold Path or the Hindu Doctrine of Karma, for example. Can I go into a phone booth and dial any phone number and get home? They are used to proclaiming their opinions through social media. Am I … She is the creator of Spiritual Journey. But these generations are also less trustworthy and more skeptical than previous generations. Is there a real hell and why would a loving God send anyone there? Here are 101 important questions for your self-reflection, by yours truly. Every time you write a date, A.D. or B.C., what’s the reference point? It doesn’t work. In his excellent book Generational IQ, Haydn Shaw explains how intellectual questions are back in the minds of younger generations today: “One of the biggest challenges we have in responding is that Millennials are asking questions again. 2. Or you might justify taking something without permission, but if you were the one being robbed you wouldn’t think it was okay. And by addressing deep questions To yourself, you will get profound answers From yourself.

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