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Mr. Darden why are you going out of the way to blast DO’s ? In A.T. Still’s philosophy, there was some magic layer that connected the whole body that could be manipulated to heal the “osteopathic lesion”. The author most likely had a failure (whether personally or through an associate) in M.D. My spouse is a DO Emergency Physician. Absolutely not !! I have been struggling with my health since 1998. You would not go to a D.O. Doctors do not have patients in the hospital, nurses do. Your comment is irrelevant to the discussion. I’m planning to attend med school and this has definitely helped me in knowing whether or not to pursue becoming an MD or a DO. They have no idea how DO students take BOTH DO and MD board exams in medical school, and how both DO and MD complete the same exact residencies and fellowships, side by side, especially with the merger of residencies. He is a 25 year old mature Software Engineer, a responsible gentleman. Probably pain in the butt patient anyways. Your physician likely decided it wasn’t worth arguing with you after you decided you were smarter than him/her. Albeit I do not have the same ability to find research as my MD counterparts but if you want it, you can make it happen. In other words, a doctor’s annual salary is determined by a number of factors, primarily their field of specialization (radiologists, plastic surgeon, cardiologists, family medicine, etc.). The school I attend had a matriculating class average for GPA at a 3.6 and an MCAT of 506. I’m an american MD student, my brother an american DO student. ), In the United States, 67.4% of active physicians are M.D.s vs. 7.3% which are D.O.s (The remaining 24.2% received their degree from a medical school outside of the United States.). Either way, in school we learn the same things. average MCAT score for MD matriculants is 31.4, average MCAT scores and preference of DO vs MD by state here, Commission on Osteopathic College Accreditation,, Low Heart Rate – Bradycardia Explained by a Heart Doctor. During the war, he served as a hospital corpsman in the U.S. Navy. As such, a DO can write any prescription an MD can. Since then I have had both hips replaced and a mechanical heart valve installed in my aorta all by M.D.’s. In other words, you should be equally comfortable if your doctor is an M.D. 20 years ago I struggled with the decision of whether or not to go to a DO school. It depends on the person not the letters behind their name. I still have some back pain (not nearly as much), but as the surgeon explained before the surgery, he was fixing my legs(i.e.spinal nerves to my legs) not necessarily my pain. Hi Sarah, I’m an osteopathic medical student. Attend 4 years of medical school, plus a residency program ranging from 3-7 years, Are licensed by the same state licensing boards, i.e. Find people you trust, not the the letters. I knew about these from last year and since I’m applying this year, I went searching for them! I’m currently studying for medical assistant, and I want to become a doctor, but of what is the question. Hell, I was undergoing a lot of family issues and did not do well in my undergrad. omg. Luckily, most people who attend D.O. The fact that this article has an attack-y/very biased tone against MDs is unfortunate… and also suggests it’s own discrediting/falacy (“the lady doth protest too much methinks”). schools only attended because it was their only choice. As a social worker, I can’t tell you how important that is, to ask questions and to advocate for yourself in order to get the best care. WOW! Remember NEJM, JAMA, Uptodate was founded relatively recently. I also learned some interesting facts from my stepfather, who was a 1932 graduate of the medical school at the University of Pennsylvania. No! I’m learning that those who work hard, regardless of where they are for school, end up getting higher board scores, the respect of the faculty, and more residency options. The more knowledge you have the better. Really, who would you rather go to: a D.O. I have no immediate health problems. will depend entirely upon the physician, and their expertise in that field. I can say that my insurance plan has almost no DOs. Basically your heart could stop pumping at any time. get him out of pain but……”only for a short time”. Uh sorry, but doctors are talking here, nurses talk in the room next door. D.O. The only distinct feature of osteopathic physicians is that some perform osteopathic manipulative medicine. DO’s don’t meet the MD standard…that’s all. Best of luck in your endeavors! I wouldn’t let either a DO or a US citizen/foreign degreed MD treat me. D.O.’s only had an average of 27 (a poor score relative to most in medicine). Minimal expenses. programs. My PCP is a DO and he is awesome. Their MCAT scores and grades were too low. Our new doctor is through. Essential oils and acupuncture have literally nothing to do with osteopathic medicine; you are confusing NATUROPATHY with osteopathic medicine. #4 All medicine was founded on pseudoscience. I don’t think anyone has ever done it because it doesn’t make sense to. No P. Very helpful thank you!! I recently found out something about my surgeon who is a DO neural surgeon. A human being is all different when reach the age of 30. Browse our listings to find jobs in Germany for expats, including jobs for English speakers or those in your native language. Did you have some sort of bad experience with one ? Overall it has been a very rewarding experience, but you have to learn OMM in addition to everything else it takes to becoming a doctor, so its not easy. Any patient that says they would rather see an MD then a DO, I say good riddens. Until I took my health into my own hands and mom’s reminder on how we were raised I finely came to my senses and sought out a DO, which was then able to diagnose me properly. I didn’t know DO physicians are usually primary care while MD’s tend to specialize in different types of medicine. He was my primary doctor back in the early 80’s, Germantown, MD. I LOVE him !! Thanks so much for the article. Being a good doctor involves more than doing well on tests. I have the largest patient base in my practice of 4 MD physicians and my gross income last year was >$800K. Please I am aspiring to become a cardiologist which one do I choose between MD and DO ? Both would be equally competent treating your husband if board certified. I want to say that two of my M.D. You never know, many of my family members live well into the 80’s and 90’s with minimum issues. So, you would not know where he/she got the MD. Putting in the work and getting the scores and showing that you can be a good doctor are what counts. I go back 2 weeks later, they say, sorry, we can’t treat you here any more – your labrum is torn off about 80% and you need to see an orthopaedic for surgery! ha) No, you treat this disease with “massage”, compression, and musculoskeletal techniques such as pumping the foot to improve circulation and musculoskeletal tone on the lymphatics to push the lymph upwards and out. and an M.D. If you want to be taken seriously get an MD not a DO. It is certainly possible, but D.O. How would Mr. Darden treat the obese patient’s lymphedema? D.O. #6 I did not apply to MD schools not because I couldn’t have gotten in, but because I thought I wanted to be a side-line Dr for a college/pro sports team and with the extra training that DO’s get in the musculoskeletal system it was a no-brainer for me. He said he was an MD. Too much emphasis has been placed on the specific skill of test taking in the selection of physicians. That being said, I hope to never forget to make sure a patient knows why I’m doing the things I am and what this terminology I use means. My thought though, is now that I am looking at the last decade or so of life and at some point will be experiencing diseases of some sort–cancer, prostate, etc., is a D.O. I couldn’t hold my head up and the ER docs didn’t have a clue. Maybe you are describing DOs that were trained in 1960, but modern DOs prescribe “western prescription medicine” just the same as MDs do. #5 Undergraduate GPA scores are equivalent amongst DO and MD students. DOs are not MD dropouts. So much for seeing a DO. I have been receiving better care from my D.O. I have been doing some research and have not come across much info about DOs in neurology; I am curious as to how common it is for a neurologist to be a DO rather than MD. wrote beside the data (referring to my white blood cell count). programs actually have lower acceptance rates than M.D. In the article, I am confused by the assertion that salaries tend to be higher for MDs partly because they ‘attend school for several additional years’. As for some of these despicable comments, you are no better than anyone else, so stop putting others down. This is not meant to be attack-y, just an observation of the fact. I think the general public has the wrong perception of what a DO actually is and therefore think they are less qualified in some way. ya steve jobs also believed MDs were ignorant.. How did that turn out for him? I am open to learning what an MD can do that a DO can’t – other than use the MD initials after their name. thank you Micky D! She has the paperwork to prove her qualifications and has shown her level of care and concern should something pop-up. Hi Sarah, I’m an osteopathic medical student. We have 171 full length hd movies with BBW HD Porn 1080p in our database available for free streaming. Probably because they already graduated from medical school…? The majority of doctors couldn’t care less whether you’re an M.D. The funny thing is that many people would look down on an RN and assume RNs aren’t as good as doctors or didn’t work hard enough to get into medical school. So funny……not. You may be pleasantly surprised. Either will lead wherever you want it do – but its up to the candidate as always. You just rude, can you name all the bone and muscles in the human body with all the nerves and blood vessel supplying them including their origin, no you can’t and did you even do human cadaver, but a DO can do that. But again, ignorance is bliss. You sound like a DO on a mission to prove your worth. It is easier to judge based on letters… But that is a lazy way to advocate for your heath. I am having a very bad experience with a DO, What I mean is good physicians use everything at their disposal to help their patients such as nutrition, physical therapy, drugs, vaccines, counseling etc. Yes, he put me on two short acting regimes! programs actually have lower acceptance rates than M.D. And in general, which route seems more relevant to the speciality? That generally has absolutely nothing to do with the person and their intelligence. whatever works for you.”. colleagues couldn’t even pass their internal medicine boards.. hmm. it is true that it is harder for DO to get into very competitive specialties (such as subspecialties in surgery), but if one manage to get into one and graduate from it, you can bet that he is as good as the other MD trained in the same program. She graduated from an osteopathic college in Yakima, WA, which (sorry Yakima) is in the middle of nowhere. My orthopedic surgeon and my primary physician are both DO. The article is misleading as it makes it appear that all DOs go into primary care. I usually go to a male doctor but I think I would like to go to a female doctor this time. No harm in at least speaking to a DO and getting more information. You can find an interesting spreadsheet on the average MCAT scores and preference of DO vs MD by state here. I was once affected by mold during a weekend and had to go to the ER. Thank you for writing it. Are found in every type of specialty medicine. My cardiologist is a DO. Small midwest urban area. But I wont as that has nothing to do with the competence and skill of Current MD’s. Reading some of these ridiculous comments. If any heart issues arise, then they may refer you to a cardiologist for evaluation. for a sinus infection, hypertension, or schizophrenia. I know I do! As long as I can remember, DOs could prescribe medication. This RN is wholy unqualified to make a recommendation. Two letters behind one’s name do not determine whether he or she will be a good doctor. These are primarily foreign medical students or doctors who immigrated to the US. probably just feels threatened because osteopathic doctors are just as qualified as they are to do everything that they can do—and more. However, nurses are the real healthcare workers. How good are the professors? D.O.’s are most prevalent in rural areas.”. That’s like asking a kid to judge his parents. So just because one person doesn’t have the same education/knowledge as you doesn’t mean they don’t know what they’re talking about. This comments section is frankly embarrassing for the medical community as a whole, regardless of position, title, or training. I really liked my GP. Husband has Alzheimers Dementia; which is more appropriate for his primary care physician…a DO or MD? I have never regretted going the osteopathic route. behind their name. We stuck it out for a couple years. There is a stimga particularly within the academic world. If you want to learn osteopathy, you become a DO. I have had three back surgeries since 2017. It just is. But those scores weren’t “bottom of the barrel.” The “bottom of the barrel” are forced to attend Caribbean (or other) foreign schools in order to obtain an MD. The preclinical training is essentially the same otherwise. Why are some people so hateful? Both MD and DO physicians base diagnosis and treatment recommendations on scientifically-proven conclusions. who has been practicing for 40 years and has seen this a million times, or a fresh out of residency M.D. I’m glad to see the torch is being carried on Good luck to you all!! Its amusing to me that anyone can be judged by two letters at the end of their name whether it be RN, DO, MD, PA, etc. What I mean, is that the DO appears to be more willing to be compassionate to the patient’s concerns and needs. Not a lot. Wonderful, just wonderful – unfortunately, I can not remember his name. I have always been told that you needed a good Internist. he is very stubborn and wont help me with any advices for a heart attack I had 3 months ago, I tell him about what happen ( heart attack), pain going to my jat and neck , pain to my shoulder and neck, the fact that my heart rate was for 2 months at 85 ( instead of 65) Take A Sneak Peak At The Movies Coming Out This Week (8/12) New Movie Releases This Weekend: February 12th – February 14th; Judge rules tabloid editors invaded Meghan, Duchess of Sussex’s privacy First, I am a retired medical social worker who worked in hospice caring for the dying. Are you qualified and capable? I will never, ever know a patient as well as a nurse does. What is the difference between a DO and a naturopath? There is a good chance she is better than your old one. My primary doctor is a good MD doctor. 17,937 DOs are enrolled in postdoctoral training, 46% of which are in AOA programs and 54% of which are in AGME programs. Would an MD or DO be more suitable to treat me or does it matter one way or the other? It also sounds like you take pretty good care of yourself as well. I have met MDs I would rather have as a physician than a DO. “D.O.’s tend to practice medicine in urban, metropolitan areas. More DO’s go into Family Medicine than any one other field. I think we can agree on that. I am in DO school where they teach it. I also dislike how people are talking down to a nurse. I will put in extra hours, learn more, and do more to make myself a better physician/healthcare worker. I will be attending a DO school. I don’t feel this is in the best interest of my heath based on all the side effects. Sorry, no one believes you. The massage techniques have been shown to be mildly useful for back pain, obviously, but they are also practiced by physical therapists and chiropractors (another form of pseudo-medicine founded on magnet therapy). No credentials. If your physician is proficient in these procedures, he almost certainly completed an MD residency and/or fellowship. In 1973 their persistence was rewarded, and DOs were officially given full rights to practices in all states. I much prefer holistic practices and my current MD looks at me cross-eyed when I bring it up. A way for underachievers to become doctors. Mr. Darden used the past to try to paint DO’s (or so it seemed to me) in a bad light. We all have had them. Just because a person doesn’t score as highly on a test as someone else does not mean that person is less intelligent or didn’t work hard enough. Troponin Levels – The Heart Attack Blood Test, Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm with Dr. Adam Beck, Sudden Death: Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy with Dr. Michelle Kittleson, OCT and Virtual Reality: A Conversation with Dr. Nick West of Abbott, Bicuspid Aortic Valve Disease with Dr. Kyle Eudailey, PAD: When Leg Pain Isn’t Just Leg Pain with Dr. Munish Goyal. Instead, we would discuss my issues and he took the time to explain why things were going on. That’s good to know, so I know when I go to a family practice clinic, my kids are going to be taken care of by a professional that knows their stuff like a DO physician does. DO students take the Comprehensive Medical Licensing Examination (COMLEX). Either way, these two main criteria are determined by the way you perform in med school. Thanks, Sandy. This means they get the training they need and throw the unscientific, unproven massage techniques out of medicine. I think that my earlier comment holds true of both groups, and that is you will find: good, bad, terrible, great among both groups. I did not present with the same symptoms exactly as someone with kidney stones that has two separate kidneys. I am still impressed by his knowledge and techniques of manipulation. I had a string of close family deaths resulting in me not doing great in my first year. A lot of MDs seem to be interested in the test results with little patient interaction. Watch BBW HD Porn 1080p HD porn videos for free on Its humorous for me to read these comments to this article. I feel that good physicians whether they be MD’s or DO’s as good scientists use everything they can to produce good outcomes in their patients. MD’s do NOT attend school for several additional years. Generally speaking, the acceptance rates of DOs to highly competitive MD residency programs are lower. When the ACGME levels out the playing field requiring DOs to take the same tests to become accredited, it will be a much fairer system. Having had more physical than pure medical ailments (arthritis, lumbar spinal stenosis, torn rotator cuffs, etc.) An MD who graduated from a top medical and resident program or a DO who couldn’t make the grade to get into an MD program? BUT, now DO school’s requirements to get in are on par with most low to mid tier MD schools. I just worry if we wait too long, one won't be started. The drug addicts and abusers have taken legitimate pain killers away from the elderly and those perceived as potential abusers – those with long hair or those that appear to be too hip, even when these people haven’t been to a Doctor in years. So, in my opinion, whether DO or MD if you are a compassionate and caring doctor, know what you are doing, you are a good doctor. #7 I attended an allopathic residency in internal medicine, an allopathic fellowship in cardiology, an allopathic fellowship in interventional cardiology and currently practice in the southern US. Can a person with a D.O become a general practitioner? Now I don’t know if the nurses blew off the issue or just claimed he was disoriented but it almost killed him as he was having an allergic reaction to the med. Maybe the merger of AOA and ACMGE will correct some of that, but for the time being, it has not. Who’d want to teach there? And, DO’s are required to take an additional 200 hours of coursework. The question was in regards to going to medical school – not joining a residency program. I’ll take an MD any day. Only five years after forming the American School of Osteopathy in 1892, Still had over 700 students. Many of you are very defensive of your specific degree and/or very offensive toward those with a degree different from yours. This may result in an increased QT interval (A lengthened QT interval is a marker for the potential of ventricular tachyarrhythmias like torsades de pointes and a risk factor for sudden death). still the best fit for me, since her emphasis is on wellness, and I cannot expect to be well the remainder of my life? I was told he has been sued and cases were won against him. There are good doctors and bad doctors from both allopathic and osteopathic schools. Bottom line, those who work harder and perform better are likely to have more choices for residency, than those (MD or DO students) who do not. True wisdom do come from humility. From reading all of these comments, it seems to me you can choose whoever is convenient and seems thorough and compassionate. Or trust that the retiring MD would hire a qualified DO? Wow. You could, but there is absolutely no reason why you would ever do that. This all has been done in only my first semester! Auxiliary data. The DOs I have encountered at Kaiser have been in many areas, including General Surgery, Urgent care, Internal medicine (Primary care) and Hospitalist. Learn how your comment data is processed. Sure he/she has an opinion on MD vs DO. I have been taking both together for 8+ years with no problems. I am. With my kidney stones, I had been to the E.R. The fact is that ALL medical schools, and hopefully ALL physicians use the latest data, studies, recommendations, and guidelines to help their medical decision making. I would recommend you do some more research on OMM and what makes DOs different from MDs (because we really are pretty different despite what the article says). Having had hand surgery (ganglion cyst), I would choose a surgeon who specializes in hand surgery. The craziest D.O.’s believe massage techniques can heal asthma and Parkinson’s. As a patient, he said you must ask questions of your doctors, don’t assume that just because they wear a white lab coat doesn’t make them God. Becoming an MD or a DO both require an exceptional amount of drive, tenacity, and intelligence. If you’re trying to determine the difference between an MD and a DO, you almost certainly fit into one of two categories. However, this is used as a supplement to a standard treatment plan, not a replacement. My third was a T9-S1 fusion October 2019. Then I looked into her qualifications. physician. Also interesting, medical students were taught almost exclusively through lectures (without any real interaction with patients). To say so proves ignorance. My MD retired and was replaced with a DO. You’re either a student considering a career in medicine or a patient wondering if a doctor with DO credentials is equally qualified to treat you as MD. Many residencies already accept either score, and soon all residencies will have merged their accreditation bodies so the whole MD/DO thing for residency will be irrelevant. First my credentials. WOW! However, thats our culture and society, ignorant, misinformed, unintelligent. Your comment makes it remarkably clear that you don’t know what osteopathic medical training entails or what a DO degree represents. I don’t have any kind of idea what kind of doctor I want to be, much less whether or not I’ll specialize. Haha. examined me. out of the about 7200 matriculants to a DO school in 2017, 129 have previous healthcare experience with 29 having experience in allopathic medicine (stats from AACOM). **PSA: the spreadsheets become “locked”/read-only when there are more than 100 people attempting to access it (read: the IM sheet a lot of the time). D.O.’s focus more on “whole body” wellness while M.D.’s focus on the scientific/diagnostic method to identify and treat illness… through the use of prescription pharmaceutical substances. Regardless of which category you fit in, this article will explain how D.O.’s differ from M.D.’s. You’ll need this perhaps. My gosh are you biased. Now, in addition to being a hospice social worker, I sadly also have Cystic Fibrosis, a genetic life limiting illness. Password requirements: 6 to 30 characters long; ASCII characters only (characters found on a standard US keyboard); must contain at least 4 different symbols; Disclaimer. Good luck in your pursuits! We do not accept any insurance, Medicare, Medicaid, Motor Vehicle accident reimbursement from third party payers + All payment is at the time of the service. I did not know I have a horseshoe kidney, neither did the D.O., until after the scan. For the med students on here, you can’t ask others for what direction to take, this must be your decision. MD medical students take the United States Medical Licensing Exam (USMLE). However in specialized medical practice (ObGyn, psychiatry, ENT, plastic surgery FACS, cardiology, urology, etc) you will find that all of those physicians are limited to MD degrees. DOs are obviously not “underacheivers”; they want extra instruction in an area that MD students don’t care about. I’m a med student and I’m trying to decide whether to go the MD or DO route. And really like anything else, I saw some great MD’s, and some really crappy ones that let their patients die in pain. And, it’s the physician’s role to improve its mechanical functioning. Of course MD schools as a whole have higher matriculant stats than DO schools but you will get an MD candidate with fairly low stats but a great application with plenty of experiences and a DO candidate with great stats but not much else and vice versa. I know I do! We changed to a DO a year ago. This was super helpful but I have a question. MDs don’t want this to happen because then they’ll run out of business. Early medical education wasn’t as formalized as you might think. who sent me for therapy (as x-rays showed nothing, but before doing an MRI); updated him that it wasn’t helping and actually hurt during therapy and thereafter. missed a diagnosis for a couple of months. My regular M.D. He sees me every 4 months for a periodic checkup. I immediately became kyphotic. I have found no great difference between the degrees. Lol… Good one. DO physicians tend to be primary care physicians, whereas U.S.M.D.’s tend to specialize in more specific types of medicine (Dermatology, Cardiology, Orthopedics, etc. Yeah I think I replied to you somewhere else…. This map explains the DO vs MD salary debate. It must have been surgical or the result of heavy opioid pain medication (limited to a 3 day period for acute injury) Awaiting your answer for credibility…. My daughter chose the MD path because she wanted the dual MD/MPH program at University of Miami. My practice is mainly osteopathic manipulation. have to live up to the same standards. I have total faith in DO’s. Is his board cert requirement not the same as an MD? Will try to keep this updated, but please feel free to PM me if I miss things or there are updates! I would trust you more if you studied and did an MD residency, THEN decided to be a DO. I would recommend my doctor to ANY one, hands down !! A DO is licensed just like an MD. We had some great conversations. He was rude, plus was just basically there for the money. You don’t respect someone because of the initials at the end of her name. Can that be possible? Anyway to fix that? It’s outdated to say that DOs “tend to be primary care physicians”. MD.’s tend to practice medicine in urban, metropolitan areas. I had a triple bypass in 2007, HIV since 1983 (best guess), and I’m 76 years old. The DO wants to know why you have that symptom. I see no difference in their levels of education and both MD”s and DO”s do a great job. Although I’m not certain, I think he was the one who told me that at one time, Osteopaths were not legally allowed to prescribe medication in Pennsylvania like MDs. He missed information on my blood work that had FLAG !! Her response? I lost 20 lbs. Dad suffers from severe PAD, requiring a surgical procedure. The system is a disappointment. Technically, a DO’s salary is no less than an MD’s salary. The only difference between DO and MD is that DO receive 300h of OMT training in the first 2 years of medical school.

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